Hyderabad: TRS leader Baling Goutham Goud conducts padayatra in Hafeezpet

Update: 2020-02-08 01:25 IST

Hafeezpet: Local TRS division president Baling Goutham Goud inspected CC road works in Janapriyanagar and Sairam Colony areas of Hafeezpet division during the padayatra undertaken on Thursday. Goud interacted with residents to know their problems. Later, he interacted with officials and Works Inspector Satyanarayana about the serious problems of drainage and CC roads in Janapriyanagar and Sairam Colony. Goud was accompanied by ward member Venkatesh Goud, party activists Srinivas Goud, Mallesh, Shakeel, Sridhar, Jameer, Sanju and colony residents.



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