Karimnagar: Blood donation camp held on National Youth Day

Update: 2021-01-12 22:50 IST

District Collector K Shashanka at a blood donation camp in Karimnagar on Tuesday

Karimnagar: Swami Vivekananda is one of the greatest personalities in India, who grabbed the attention of entire world with his speeches and writings. The youth of the present generation must derive inspiration from him, advised District Collector K Shashanka.

He participated in National Youth Day celebrations organised by Nehru Yuva Kendram on Swami Vivekananda's 158th birth anniversary here on Tuesday and paid floral tributes to his photo.


Speaking on the occasion, the Collector advised the youth to adopt the morals taught by Swami Vivekananda to reach higher positions in their life.

'Swami Vivekananda had turned the attention of the world nations towards India with his memorable presentation in the Parliament of Religious Conference.' Remembering him, the National Youth Day is celebrated on his birthday on January 12 every year, he said.

Shashanka said that Swami Vivekananda reached higher position after going through lot of hardships.

Students and youth must take him as inspiration and must reach their goals. Inculcating good values, morals and habits like Swami Vivekananda, students and youth can do wonders in their life and can become a role model to others like Vivenkananda, he suggested.

Later, the Collector inaugurated a blood donation camp and handed over first, second and third prizes to youth associations, which won by participating in Swachh programmes during 2019-2020. He also gave appreciation certificates to youth and volunteers, who participated in various social welfare activities.District Youth Coordinator M Venkat Rambabu, Nagamalla Suresh, Digi Namini, NYKS Chinta Srinivas, MYKS national youth award winner Rendla Kalinda Shekar, Alwala Vishnu and B Ravinder were present along with others.



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