KCR afraid of BJP's rise in State: Laxman

Update: 2020-01-26 01:33 IST
Dr K Laxman, BJP State president addressing the media in Hyderabad on Saturday

Hyderabad: Telangana BJP State president Dr K Laxman said that TRS supremo and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao's outbursts against the BJP during his media interaction on Saturday shows how worried he was about the saffron party emerging as an alternative to the pink party in future.

The BJP leader said that KCR was scared of speaking on the Citizenship Amendment Act-2019 before the municipal polls as it might hit the electoral fortunes of that party.


He said KCR was speaking on CAA after the poll results to mislead people and to please Majlis. "For KCR vote bank politics are more important than the interests of the nation.

He demanded KCR to clarify whether he wanted Muslims illegally entered into the country from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh should be given citizenship."

Earlier, addressing the media here on Saturday, he said the Telangana municipal polls are the most expensive ones in the country. Besides, the entire electoral process from the preparation of electoral rolls, division of wards, the reservation was plugged with irregularities, he alleged.

In Kompalle, the TRS candidate was declared elected after counting of invalid votes. 



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