Kishan Reddy blasts BRS govt for abuse of power; using police as pawns

Update: 2023-04-07 06:00 IST

Union Minister G Kishan Reddy 

Hyderabad: Union Minister of Culture and Tourism G Kishan Reddy on Thursday asked the State government and the police whether elected representatives are remote-controlled toys or slaves of the Kalavakuntala family?

He minister reacted to the Warangal police issuing notices to BJP Huzurabad MLA Eatala Rajender at a media conference here.

Reddy said the police had served notices to Eatala at around 5-5.30 pm asking him to be present at DCP Central Zone office in Hanumakonda. "We have not seen such a gross misuse of power. . Do you think we are your remote controlled toys?; salves to the Kalwakuntla family to come whenver you ask us to come and go?" he fumed.


The minister alleged that the Kalavakuntala family has done doctorate from 'university of falsehood'. He charged the BRS government with using police as pawns for political gain to save itself from the anger of the unemployed. "The government earlier had unveiled a conspiracy in the name of farmhouse files", he asserted.

Condemning the police notice to Eatala and 'illegal' arrest of State party chief Bandi, Reddy criticised the Kalavakuntala family for compromising constitutional institutions.

He said in the notice to Eatala, the police wanted to investigate since someone had sent a message to him.

"If notices have to be served to all those who had received WhatsApp messages there will be no one left in the State. There is no such practice either in the country or in the world," he claimed.

He said earlier the Warangal Police Commissioner had said cases were filed only against Bandi, but not calling Eatala. "But why this change had happened in less than 24 hours that Eatala was slapped with notices", he asked.

"Whether false cases are foisted against Bandi or notices are issued to Eatala, the party is neither scared nor afraid; it is prepared to fight against BRS.

He said the police were threatening even journalists asking them to given their phones, addresses. "As part of their profession to inform people journalists use WhatsApp across the world for speedy receipt and relay of news. Threatening them in the name of notices is nothing but trampling their rights," he said. Reddy asked journalists not to get deterred by police notices; as an Opposition party, BJP would stand by them and extend legal aid.

Meanwhile, responding to the police notice, Eatala said he would be present for recording his statement at 11 am on April 10.



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