Mahbubnagar: BJP accuses TRS of illegally poaching its local leaders

Update: 2020-07-08 01:20 IST

BJP MLC Ramachandra Rao speaking at a press meet at the party office in Mahbubnagar on Tuesday

Mahbubnagar: Bharatiya Janata Party district leaders alleged that the ruling TRS was resorting to unconstitutional methods and poaching BJP local leaders and even forcing the elected counsellors to join the TRS by threatening and slapping false cases against them.

While speaking to the media at the party office here on Tuesday, BJP MLC Ramachandra Rao criticized that the ruling party has once again shown its true colours and is trying to make sure that there is no opposition to it in the district.


This kind of attitude will not be tolerated by the BJP and we will fight with the TRS and its hegemony over others, he added.

Referring the recent incidents where two BJP counselors - Narender and Rashmita from Mahbubnagar municipality –changed their alliance from BJP to the TRS, Ramachandra Rao alleged that the TRS' forcing others to join into its fold is unconstitutional and illegal and warned that the ruling party has to pay a huge price for its wrong actions.

The BJP is going to fight nail and bit to stop such kind of illegal poaching of their party leaders, he warned. 



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