Minorities Commission proposes 4 amendments to TSMC Act

Update: 2019-12-01 02:11 IST

Hyderabad: The 23rd monthly meeting of the Telangana State Minorities Commission was held this morning at 11 am under chairmanship of Mohammed Qamaruddin, Chairman of the Commission. Vice Chairman, Members and officers were present.

At the outset, the Chairman informed the Members that the Commission has proposed four amendments to the Telangana State Minorities Commission Act on par with the provisions laid down in Karnataka State Minorities Commission 1994 duly including the Jainism under the purview of Telangana State Minorities Commission so that the proposals can be sent to the State government for placing before the Legislature for enactment.


The Chairman and Members of the Commission have unanimously decided to celebrate Minorities Day on December 5 by inviting eminent people from the Minority communities.

Shankar Luke, Vice-Chairman and Members said though several GOs were being issued by the Minorities Welfare Department, the copies were not being marked to the Commission due to which the Members were unaware of the government schemes and policies.

They urged the Chairman to address the Government to mark the copies of the G.O.s to Minorities Commission also.

The Vice Chairman and Members said in order to know the status of Implementation of Government Orders, a review meeting shall be conducted on January 11, 2020 with the Managing Director of Minorities Welfare Department, Vice Chairman and Managing Director Minorities Finance Corporation and also with the Secretary, Telangana Minorities Residential Educational Institutions Society (TMREIS).

The Vice Chairman and Members raised the killing of Pastor Satyanarayana Reddy, but the police have not yet arrested the accused. He requested the Chairman to address the Commissioner of Police for taking immediate action in the matter.

Surender Singh, Member, suggested that salaries to Granthi of Gurudwara shall be paid on par with the Imams and Muazzins of Mosques are paid.

They also suggested that driver empowerment program for women shall be taken up by the Minorities Commission with the co-ordination of State Bank of India and vehicles (Swift DZire) shall be provided to women under driver empowerment programme.



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