Officials told to prepare 30-day action plan for municipalities

Update: 2019-10-16 06:41 IST
MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao chairing a video conference in Hyderabad on Tuesday

Hyderabad: Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Minister K T Rama Rao on Tuesday asked the officials to prepare a 30-day action plan for municipalities and corporations on the lines of Gram Panchayats.

The Minister held a video conference with District Collectors. During the video conference, the Minister said that the recently held 30-day action plan gave positive results in the Gram Panchayats. Similar plans should be introduced in the municipalities for improving sanitation.


Like Gram Panchayat workers, the municipal staff should also be provided with insurance facilities, he said.

Minister directed the Collectors to come up with a comprehensive sanitation plan, green action plan and a water usage plan within one week for all new Municipalities.

Minister asked the Collectors to provide information about the process of collection of waste material, recycling, etc in the plan. He asked the Collectors to identify locations for dump yards, Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants, composting centres, dry resource collection centres, and sewage treatment plants in the new municipalities.

Rama Rao also asked the Collectors to ensure the replacement of streetlights with LEDs in new municipalities and also identify sites to develop urban lung spaces.

Keeping in mind the increasing population in the municipalities, the Minister asked the Collectors to increase the number of public toilets and She-toilets.

Minister said that the government had already provided swachh autos for collection of garbage from door to door. He asked the Collectors to increase the staff and vehicles.



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