Samatha case: Adilabad court awards death sentence to accused

Update: 2020-01-30 13:55 IST

Convicting the three accused in Samatha's case, the Adilabad fast track court has awarded death sentence to A1 Shaik Babu (30), A2 Shaik Shabuddin (40) and A3 Shaik Makdum (30). Meanwhile, security tightened up at the court in view of the final verdict.

The court also imposed life imprisonment to the accused as they were also booked under SC/ST atrocity case. Also three -year imprisonment for stealing the woman's mobile phone and Rs 200 cash. The court also asked to pay Rs 8,000 fine for the A1 under SC/ST case and Rs 9,000 for the remaining two for the theft. 


The accused sexually assaulting a woman and later killed her by slitting her throat on November 24, 2019, in Ellapattar village of Lingapur Mandal of Komaram Bheem district. The Adilabad fast track court has been directed by the High Court to investigate the case.

On December 14, the police filed a charge-sheet and questioned the witnesses from December 23 to 31. Later, the court heard the arguments of the prosecutor and defence lawyer and posted the final verdict on January 30. 



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