Stranger Things season 3 Episode 7 Review

Update: 2019-07-17 10:51 IST

The penultimate episode again becomes the key. For the first time, we see gang coming together to save Eleven and that is a big step for the series going forward. We can expect the other characters to muster courage and win than just wait for Eleven to save the day all the time.

This episode for the first time puts things in perspective to all the characters and force them to confront the feelings they have hidden. That seems to the bite of the episode before the finale.


As the show progresses, if they can catch up such momentum by third episode at least that would be great for the fans who support them through think and thin. The way start of the episode and end of it put Eleven in danger asking all others to rise their game, the writers outdid themselves in those sequences while the execution was also perfect.

Even the Russian subplot got better treatment and the Robin-Steve conversation seemed more fun than the moments they were forced to have in the starting episodes. Jonathan and Nancy were again pushed to side but they might have much to offer than screaming and trying to operate.

Finally, Hopper and Joyce, get serious things to worry about and we can see that the actors also cherish such moments more. Big battle should deliver now and we hope it does.



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