10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight during this Pandemic

Almost all, who feel that they have gained weight during this recent pandemic, would like to know some easy steps to lose weight. Follow these ten easy steps, it would help.
Intake Cabbage soup
Individuals can intake cabbage soup, which would make them full and thus intake of unhealthy food is reduced.
Constant nourishment
Individuals should take 5 meals instead 3 meals a day. They should have 3 main meals which consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner and they should have snacks twice a day.
Order small portion size
Eat food in small portion sizes instead of large portion sizes because the individual end up eating more when they order for larger pizza instead of ordering small size or medium size pizza.
Drink water
Most of the hunger pangs are just thirst pangs and by drinking water individuals can keep themselves hydrated. Water helps in maintaining body metabolism and helps the kidneys flush out waste.
Intake proteins, carbohydrate and fat
It is always advisable to eat less processed food such as potatoes, brown rice rather than ordering for burgers and pizzas. Eat fat, which is unsaturated rather than saturated.
Eat Fiber
Consumption of fiber helps food to move through the bowels. Fiber makes the individual full. Healthy person can lose around 10 pounds in a year by doubling the intake of fiber.
Eat Lean protein
Protein helps the individual to lose weight fast. The reason is that they have satiety factor .Protein helps in balancing out carbs by insulin stoppage spike which can lead to lower energy and also sugar craving. They help in maintaining muscle mass which is essential in burning process of fats.
Carry healthy food
Instead of carrying junk food it is better to carry healthy food such as vegetable salad or fruit salad.
One day in a week eat what you like
Individuals can choose one day in a week and eat whatever they like. Many people fail to maintain diet because they are over strict in maintaining the diet. Eating favorite food gives pleasure so do not deprive yourself totally from this pleasure.
Be Realistic
Be realistic when you set the goal do not get much excited and set unrealistic goal. If the unrealistic goal is not achieved, then the individual might lose interest in achieving their weight loss goals.