World No Tobacco Day: May 31, 2021

Number of Deaths
Tobacco causes nearing to 8 million deaths each year. Smokers are more likely to get infected with Covid-19 infection when compared to non-smokers.
This year’s Theme
This year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day is, commit to quit. The WHO stated, quit tobacco to be a winner.
What is the focus on?
On this day, the focus is on spreading awareness about varied dangers of using tobacco and how lot of health problems can be tacked by doctors or averted, when an individual quit smoking.
What WHO says?
The WHO says, “Today can be day one” in an effort to quit Tobacco.
In the year, 1987, the Member States of the World Health Organization started the World No Tobacco Day.
The Aim is to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and both preventable death as well as death it causes.
Big Day
This day became a big day for both health as well as community workers to go, all out and help people quit tobacco.
Take a Pledge
Millions of people desire to quit, due to Covid-19, it has brought fear among the smokers as they more vulnerable to risk than others. Take a pledge to quit, if you are a smoker.
When you quit, you tend to benefit
When you quit, immediately within twenty minutes both, heart rate and blood pressure drop.
A Few tips to Quit
Make up your mind, stay busy, chew something, build a support system around you and reward yourself.