Books are the best friends, Never leave them

Update: 2019-02-12 20:05 IST

“There is no friend as loyal as a book” Truly said by an author. Everyone can leave you but books are always there with you. But in the era of Google and eBooks, children have forgotten to turn the pages of books, rather we search in google to find an answer. That is a good way but it is somehow damaging our eyes. Kavita Yadav Founder of JiNa - LivingPositively has taken an initiative that she is organizing a book reading session on Saturdays for students of age 8-12 and interesting activities at her center so that children should also know the real world above gadgets.


Research has typically found that reading experiences are highly beneficial for children. It enriches language exposure, spelling, reading comprehension and vocabulary, and establishing essential foundational literacy skills.

Kavita Yadav says “Life-Skills help everyone to meet the challenges of everyday life. And these become all the more important for children to be able to deal with stress, anxiety, and frustration, and have the ability to cope up with increasing pace and change of technology-driven life. A sincere effort to make this learning fun and experiential for participants with the help of storytelling and Book reading.

Reading is highly important for a child's intellectual, social and emotional development. It is also one of the most effective methods of keeping a child away from the screen be it mobile or T. V.”

Parents are really happy with this initiative Deepti Khanna a parent whose child attends the activity says "This is a unique & beautiful program and we feel that this skill set is something every child should possess. Our son, Manas, is enjoying and accustoming it."

Ruchi Sehgal another parent of Gurugram says "I chose this program for my son Ritwik to learn moral, ethical, family and social values. I am amazed to see him read fluently. He looks forward to the sessions eagerly."

More and more children should join the sessions so that we can help our children not to depend too much on the gadgets They are some of the other how damaging our eyes. 



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