Cocktail Leaders and Cocktail Owners…a HR message

Cocktail Leaders and Cocktail Owners…a HR message

Cocktail Leaders And Cocktail Owners…A HR Message. Why most of the people in corporate limit just do what they have to ‘just’ do and the rest, they leave for others? No one would ever like to stretch even an inch to complete the ‘total task’ than leave the task to others after completing their portion?

Why most of the people in corporate limit just do what they have to ‘just’ do and the rest, they leave for others? No one would ever like to stretch even an inch to complete the ‘total task’ than leave the task to others after completing their portion?

Often HR would say that such people lack leadership quality, openness and commitment to the organization and that is why they stick ‘just’ to their role. Most of the corporate leaders and HR function may argue that growth of the organization always demands every one to go a little beyond their brief.

If we closely look at evolution different life form on earth, we can understand that every species of both the plants and animals have been made with absolute specificity and role map. Carnivores always leave the balance portion of their kill after finishing their share. The balance portion is then cleared by scavengers and finally the decomposers.

Even within the same species, for example in man, the different organs are created only to perform specific functions. No organ in our body will ever breach their brief or trespass and functions the role of other organs. If such situation happens, only confusion will be the outcome. Liver function its role and nothing beyond that.

Perhaps this evolutionary trigger only would have made people in corporate to stick to their brief and not showing any willingness to travel an extra mile.

Definitely leaders need to be flexible and willing to change their role if it is necessary to keep the larger interest of the organization. This trait is situation dependent and should not be expected as general trait and therefore people must display it in their routine activity.

Many corporate owners, especially the owners of small family run organization would expect every one in the organization to play every role. Further, they also involve every one to do every job to make cocktail show.

Cocktail leadership is sign of primitivism and not the sign of progress. From making the organizing super-specialized and decentralized by appointing specialists to perform different roles, these owners want every employee to perform every role.

If people don’t show such natural inclination, these owners would blame people than understanding the fact that organization is evolving and maturing.

Remember, if your employees just stick to their job brief and remaining portion of the project they leave to others to complete, it does not mean, they are lazy or lack commitment. Inadvertently they want better system in the organization. Only point needs to be reviewed is that whether such people do their assigned job efficiently or not? If they are doing their defined job well, then nothing to worry. Still the owners worry and complain about people then the problem is with the owners and not with the employee.

Only primitive organization would expect every one to do every job and not the well structured, well organized organizations.

Every action and leadership style of people need not be due to laziness or due to indifference and lack of commitment. When people become passionate about their profession and take pride in their job brief, naturally such employees will not feel nice to do other job.

The absolute creative perfection man has achieved in his biological form is only because of such perfect job definition and self discipline every organs in our body follows.

Learn to value and respect people who say no to you and not those who always agree to you.

Dr S Ranganathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

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