Take care of your pet during summer

Take care of your pet during summer

Keep plenty of water available for your pet at all times. Make sure the water is cool and fresh, and keep it in the shade.

Summertime poses all sorts of risks to your pet, and heat is just one of them

  • With mercury soaring to 42 degree celsius frequently, here are few tips to keep your pet cool and safe.
  • Keep plenty of water available for your pet at all times. Make sure the water is cool and fresh, and keep it in the shade.
  • Put out multiple bowls of water on really hot days. Use bowls that can’t be tipped, and place them in a shady and cool spot.
  • Older pets are even more susceptible to the heat, so keep a special eye on them. Watch for indications that they are having trouble breathing.
  • Dogs tend to enjoy sitting in the sun. But lots of time spent in the sun can cause heat stroke and increase the risk of skin cancers. So be sure to provide a shady area for your dog at all times.
  • Help your dog cool off with a kid’s paddling pool. Put just a couple of inches of water in it, and place it in a shady location.
  • Add a few cubes of ice to your pets’ water bowls. They’ll enjoy it, and it will help to keep their body temperature down.
  • If your pets can’t be in an air-conditioned area, consider placing a fan where it will blow on them.
  • Exercise your pets only in the early morning or late evening. Avoid the hottest part of the day.
  • Freeze some treats and give them to your pets. It will keep them busy for a while and help cool them down.
  • Some longhaired dogs will benefit from a trim. Check with your vet.
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