How to stay slim and alert

How to stay slim and alert

How to stay slim and alert. Come new year, our resolution list soars up. Weight loss tops the list. But then, celebrations will be galore right from December 25 till Pongal holidays! It’s okay to eat if you are fit and lean.

Come new year, our resolution list soars up. Weight loss tops the list. But then, celebrations will be galore right from December 25 till Pongal holidays! It’s okay to eat if you are fit and lean. But what about fat people? In fact it appears as if fat people eat more and that they seem to have more taste for food than their counter parts!! Let us check out this. If you are under 18 and struggling to lose weight, just find out where you are at the moment and where and how you want to see yourself in the next three months..go on..

1. How much is too much?
Calculate your Body Mass Index ( BMI ) Weight (kg )/ Height (m)*Height(m)
( weight in kg divided by height in meters square). If your falling anywhere between 18 to 24, then you are normal. If it is between 25 and 29 than you are over weight, between 30 and 34 obesity grade one and between 35 to 39 obesity grade two and so on…
If your normal, continue doing what you are doing right now. Do not over indulge in sugary and oily foods.
If you are overweight, start taking vegetable salads of 15 pieces for every meal, that is before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. Start now and by Feb’14, Valentines Day you will look trim.
If you are obese, take expert advice to rule out associated health issues and get a tailor made diet for you exclusively. This is very important because each one of you may become obese for various reasons and a counseling session will reveal your causes fair enough to plan a customised diet and suitable activity.
2. How does a weight loss diet look?
Start your day with a fresh fruit and a glass of plain milk buttermilk
Breakfast consists of two egg white omelette made with greens and 100% orange juice
Lunch can be a homemade phulka roll with spicy sprouts and buttermilk/coconut water
Snack with veg cheese sandwich/handful of mixed nuts with fresh fruit bowl
Finish your dinner early with one egg phulka and pineapple raitha or grilled fish and soup
(Note: This is an abstract diet , varies with individual requirements)
3. Plan your regimen :
Workout your diet around your daily routine, so that you reach the set target.
Never do the diet which is deficient in nutrients and promises you a huge weight loss.
Remember you are still growing and developing in the body so, a well-balanced diet is utmost important.
Stick to your healthy regimen for at least three consecutive months to get appropriate results
What are you waiting for check yourself now!
(The doctor is with 'Diaita'
Eat Right Clinic, Hyderabad
Ph: 9848195081)
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