How Performance appraisal affects employees

How Performance appraisal affects employees

5 reasons why it\'s not okay for companies to \'rate\' employees during appraisals

“You are rated ‘3: Meets Expectations’ this year.” With this one sentence, the world of a performer comes crashing down. She does not hear the rest of the feedback where the manager is telling her how diligent she is, or how the organisation values her work ethics. Emotions are on the boil.

At that moment, she is antagonised that her manager, super manager and the organisation have all failed to acknowledge her hard work with: “You have done well, but then ratings are a function of the bell curve. Others have done better than you.”

That, in a nutshell, is the performance appraisal experience 65% of the employees go through at 75% of the companies in corporate India — 65% because forced rating would usually put about 35% employees above the rating of ‘3’ or whatever similar system an organisation has put in place.

Last fortnight, when India’s largest IT services company TCS announced that it was scrapping the bell curve-based performance appraisal, it joined companies like Microsoft, Accenture, GE, HCL Technologies, Infosys and Wipro who have moved away from forced rating in some form or the other.

The bell curve-based performance appraisal refers to forced rankings that compare employees’ performance relative to others and require that managers plot team members along a distribution curve.

Supporters of the bell curve-based performance review say that the problem is not with the system, it is with the lack of transparency and understanding the philosophy behind the bell curve. The bell curve has existed and thrived for so long because it is a predictable and accepted form of identifying the top and bottom performers.

The announcement to scrap forced rating is invariably met with a sense of relief among employees and managers alike.

However, the euphoria is followed by uncertainty about the new system of performance appraisal. How will these companies now measure the performance of their employees? The world over, there has been a move on the part of big and small progressive companies alike to put in place a more robust system of evaluating performance.

In the absence of forced rating, the following factors become vital:

1) Performance will continue to be measured stringently. However, force-fitting people into ratings will go. A manager asked to give the names of the bottom 15 of his team and can come up with 14 names will now be spared the angst of naming the 15th person.

Adding one person to the list of high-flyers won’t be a problem either. You are now rewarding people for their performance, and not really trying to label people with low ratings as losers.

2) Under the system of forced rating, it is assumed that each department and each team has an equal number of top, middle and bottom performers. That’s a flawed assumption. There are teams with stellar performances from half of their team members. When forced rating is removed, companies have the freedom to differentiate in giving recognition and rewards for performing teams. Not every team necessarily has 5% or 10% top performers, or 10% employees who need to be weeded out.

3) Labelling a person as a ‘performer’ or ‘non-performer’ has its fair share of pitfalls. All through the year, employees are not just trying to do their best, they also want their peers to look bad. What ensues is unhealthy competition, and an insecure environment. Insecure employees are bad for teams and organisations alike. Team building and collaboration become a massive task for the best of managers when employees are insecure.

4) Every individual has bad years and good years. In a performance appraisal system that is based on constant feedback where the assessment of employees is based on factors like team performance and collaboration, there is a scope for greater impact by individual teams and, in turn, by the organisation. High morale and enthusiasm of employees invariably results in higher productivity.

5) The removal of rating, however, does not mean that differentiation in recognition and reward won’t happen. Organisations know they need to differentiate and ensure higher rewards for performers. In a globally competitive environment, it’s all about impact.

Teams that make an impact deserve to be rewarded. Otherwise, organisations will be left with low performing, complacent teams.

As progressive organisations move towards creating the future workplace, there is a decisive case for companies to give up the punitive system of forced ratings. One’s accomplishments should stand for what one actually does, and not against what someone else does.


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