Women waits Twice as Long as to Touch Their Smartphones than Men, says Experiment

Women waits Twice as Long as to Touch Their Smartphones than Men, says Experiment

In this digitalized world, Smartphones have evolved as a basic necessity in life as it provides the essential facilities that are pivotal every day needs. The facilities range from ordering daily meals to purchasing clothes, to book movie or travelling tickets. Smartphones using multiple different applications are providing people with a better exposure to social life. In a way this makes technolo

BENGALURU: In this digitalized world, Smartphones have evolved as a basic necessity in life as it provides the essential facilities that are pivotal every day needs. The facilities range from ordering daily meals to purchasing clothes, to book movie or travelling tickets. Smartphones using multiple different applications are providing people with a better exposure to social life. In a way this makes technology the deciding factor of one’s living standard.

A lab experiment conducted by Kaspersky revealed that woman waits twice as long to touch their phones than men. The study also says that people never last for more than a minute without using their phones. Frequently checking Mobile phones can lead to a robust compulsion that further results in Fear of Missing out (FOMO) on something when not online.

The experiment was conducted by the Universities of Würzburg and Nottingham-Trent on participants left in a waiting room. The experiment reviled that the participants in the waiting room lasted for an average of just 44 seconds without touching their Smartphones. The experiment on men showed alarming results; where they could only manage half of the time about 21 seconds, comparing to women at 57 seconds.

After completing of ten minutes, the participants were also asked about their thoughts on how long they have been refrained from using their phone. Most of the participants gave a feedback that they have refrained two to three minutes. The behavior of using Smartphone frequently highlighted a significant disconnect between perception and actual behavior; the study exposed.

The experiment suggests that people are far more attached to these devices than they realize and it has become second nature to turn to our Smartphones when left alone with them. We do not just wait anymore, “said Jens Binder from the University of Nottingham Trent.


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