Hyderabad city boundaries puzzles locals

Hyderabad city boundaries puzzles locals

Hyderabad City Boundaries Puzzles Locals. Locals according to data analysts from Hyderabad are puzzled at unclear city boundaries. There are more than four different versions of district map available and each one confuses other with different demarkations.

Locals according to data analysts from Hyderabad are puzzled at unclear city boundaries. There are more than four different versions of district map available and each one confuses other with different demarkations.

Hyderabad Urban Labs (HUL) which conducted the survey recently found out that Telangana state government had one, Census had another one,another available with National Informatics Centre and municipal wards have another version. Study pointed out “It can be easily surmised that multiple overlapping jurisdictions with unclear function and resource distribution among all these agencies can lead to a very high degree of informality. It becomes extremely difficult to compare data generated by different agencies,”

Map available on Govt related GIS portals found that Masab Tank,Punjagutta are shown outside the district and not clearly demarcated. HUL researcher informed “For example, after the Household Census 2011 was released, we took the Golconda sub-district map that included GHMC (M Corp) (Part) Wards 68, 69, 70 and 71.When the sheets say ward numbers 68, 69, 70 and 71 , do they mean all of it? Or does the part in brackets mean that only a part of the GHMC wards are parts of the mandal?This ambiguity is also found in other wards that fall in the sub-districts of Ranga Reddy and Medak district,” and added “Clarity and transparency on the spatial boundaries of the various jurisdictions means the ability better govern and organise the urban agglomeration that houses 12 million people.”

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