Employment and Training in Bangaru Telangana

Employment and Training in Bangaru Telangana

Craftsmen Training Scheme is intended to train candidates in various Engineering and Non-Engineering trades to meet manpower requirement to industries and also to reduce unemployment among educated youth by providing them employable skilled training.


Craftsmen Training Scheme is intended to train candidates in various Engineering and Non-Engineering trades to meet manpower requirement to industries and also to reduce unemployment among educated youth by providing them employable skilled training.

Craftsmen Training is being implemented in 61 Govt. ITIs and 210 Private ITIs. During 2015-16, total intake capacity of Govt. ITIs and Private ITIs is 40418.

The new scheme is introduced under semester system w.e.f. August 2013. The two years courses come under four semesters and one-year courses come under two semesters. The Admissions into Govt. and Private ITIs system has been changed to online admission process w.e.f. August 2013. And AITT examination hall tickets are issuing through NIC portal and by MIS portal.

Domestic Funding Scheme (DFS):

The Scheme was introduced in 5 ITIs of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2005-06 and Scheme ended in the year 2010-11. Out of 5 ITIs, 3 ITIs viz. Govt. ITI, Patancheru, Medak District, Govt. ITI, Mallepally, Hyderabad and D.L.T.C / I.T.I. Warangal, Warangal District are in the successive State of Telangana.

Funding of Rs. 1.60 Crore was released to each Institute and was fully utilized. The Scheme is intended to meet the requirement of Civil Works, Machinery & Equipment as well as Infrastructural facilities. The funding pattern will be in the ratio of 75:25 in between Central and State Government respectively. The Scheme ended during the year 2009-10. However, the Institute fully equipped are imparting training to the students in Multiskilling courses ( CoE), which are catering to the needs of Industry.

World Bank Assistant ( Vocational Training Improvement Project –VTIP)

The Scheme was introduced in a phased manner in the State of Telangana beginning from the year 2006-07 to 2008-09 and as on date, 08 ITIs are covered under this scheme.

Out of these, 7 ITIs are covered in CoE Sector and funded with Rs. 3.50 Crores each and one ITI is covered under Upgradation and funded with Rs.2.00 Crores. The Scheme envisages to meet the requirement of Civil works, Machinery & Equipment as well as Infrastructural facilities. The funding pattern will be in the ration of 75:25 in between Central and State Government respectively.

An amount of Rs. 2894.90 lakhs was released and Rs. 2407.93 lakhs is an expenditure incurred so far. All the passed out trainees of these 08 ITIs are given placements by the Local Industries.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) Scheme:

The scheme is introduced in a phased manner in the State of Telangana beginning from the year 2007-08 to 2010-11 and as on date 30 ITIs covered under this scheme. Each Institute is funded with Rs. 2.50 Crores to meet the requirement of Civil Works, Machinery & Equipment as well as Infrastructural facilities.

The Institute Management Committee (IMC) headed by the Chairman of the Industry Partner, constituted in the Industrial Training Institute is also the Governing Body for the overall administration and development of the ITI. The IMCs are delegated with Administrative and Financial powers for the smooth functioning of the ITIs. The funds released to each ITI is Rs. 2.50 Crores as interest-free loan with 10 years moratorium period and repayable in 20 years in equal Annual Installments, which is directly credited into joint Account of the IMC Society.

An amount of Rs. 7500 lakhs was released and Rs.4589 lakhs is an expenditure incurred so far. All the passed out trainees of these 30 ITIs are given placements by the local Industries.

In the year 2013, two Principals of ITIs i.e., Principal, Govt. ITI (Girls), Warangal and Principal, Govt. ITI Shanthinagar under PPP Scheme of Telangana State out of 28 Principals all over the Country were selected and trained at ITI Singapore by Government of India.

In the year 2014, two Principals of ITIs i.e., Principal, Govt. ITI, Alwal and Principal, Govt. ITI, Dindi under PPP scheme of Telangana State were selected and going to training at ITI, Singapore by Government of India

Left Wing Extremism: ( Skill Development of Youth in 9 States of 34 District affected):

The government of India recognized the fact that the availability of Skill Development Infrastructure in the District affected by Left Wing Extremism (L.W.E.) is well below the National as well as State average. To meet this challenge, the Ministry of Labour and Employment and formulated Centrally Sponsored Scheme titled “Skill Development in 34 Districts. Affected by Left Wing Extremism” with funding pattern of 75:25. The State Government should bear 25% of the Project cost.

Out of 75% of the total Central Share Rs. 474.45 lakhs as on date the Director General of Employment & Training, New Delhi, Government of India have been released an amount of Rs.3,55,84,000/- (Rupees Three Crores Fifty Five Lakhs and Eight Four Thousands only) as 1st installment towards partial fulfillment for establishment of one ITI at Kothagudem and two Skill Development Centres, one at Wazeedu and another at Bhadrachalam in Khammam District in Telangana State under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme Skill Development in Left Wing Extremism affected Districts and the same has placed in a separate account at the disposal of the District Collector, Khammam for taking further action as per the Scheme guidelines.


Modular Employable Skills (MES) under Skill Development Initiative Scheme (SDIS) is being implemented since 2007-08. This is a 100% Government of India funded programme.

The Scheme was initially monitored by the Government of India and it has been transferred to the State Government on September 2010.

Under Skill Development Initiative Scheme 14,827 Unemployed Youth has been trained for the Financial Year 2004-15 and Rs. 8,57,72,003/- (Rupees eight crores fifty-seven lakhs seventy-two thousand and three only) have been spent towards Skill Development Training after formation of Telangana State. 3,808 candidates have been trained during 2015-16 up to September 2015, and an amount of Rs. 4,86,16,993/- (Rupees four crores eighty-six lakhs sixteen thousand and nine hundred ninety-three only) have been spent towards Skill Development Training.


• To bridge the gap between Industry and Skill imparted, efforts are being made to linkup the ITIs with Industries existing in the cluster area for Industry – Institute Interface.
• To develop the infrastructure.
• To train the Trainees as per their need and
• To train the Trainers on the latest Technologies
• Absorbing the Trainees in their organization as a skilled worker
• MOU’s have also been entered to the effect, with industries like Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Hyundai, NTPC etc.
• 1600 candidates have been selected by Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., last year.
• The trainees are being deputed to nearby industries to get hands on experience for a period of 2 months.
• Efforts are also being made to convert the ITIs as mini production centers so that revenue is generated for ITIs and also gives experience for the trainees, where trainees also get remuneration while learning.
• Kirloskar Toyota has signed MoU with Principal ITI Sanathnagar to train the ITI trainees indenting and painting and prove employment. Workshop to be constructed under CSR.
• Maruti Motors has signed MoU with Principal ITI Mallepally to train the ITI trainees and trainers. They have provided M/c under their CSR.


The Department of Employment & Training functions under National Employment Service, within the conceptual frame – work of the ILO Convention No 88 on “Organization of Employment Services”. The Employment Department which was originally administered by the Government of India came into the purview of the State Government administration from 1st November 1956 onwards. The Central Government, in the ministry of Labour, DGE&T., New Delhi, however, continues to lay down the broad policy and guidelines for the functioning of the Employment Exchanges in the Country.

The Main functions of the Employment Exchanges in the state are:

Registration of unemployees, Updation of qualification of Registrants, Renewals, Sponsoring the candidates to the employers, Enforcement functions Viz.,(1)Enforcing Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act, 1959 (2) Collecting Statistical Returns from Private, Public Sector and Government Establishments &( 3) Identification of New Establishments.

Promotional functions are rendering Career and vocational guidance to youth by way of organizing career talks, Career conferences /Career Exhibitions &Career Counseling.

In addition to above, it offering Training and Placement through Job Mela in Private sector to unemployed youth.

The following Exchanges are running in the State of Telangana, as follows:-

1) Dist. Employment Exchanges 11 4) University Emp. Informn& Guidance Bureau01 2) Professional & Ex Office, Hyd01 5) Special employment Exchange of PH, Hyd.01 3) Employment Exchanges.03 6) Sub-employment Exchanges ………....03







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Employment Marketing Information

Employment Marketing Information (EMI) collected by Employment Exchanges in Telangana. There were 8998 establishments in the both sectors out of 5657 were in public Sector and 3341 were in Private Sector.12.87 Lakhs persons were employed in the both sectors. The public Sector alone accounted for 7.21 lakhs and the remaining 5.66 lakhs were employed in Private Sector.


173 Job melas were conducted in all Districts to place the candidates in the private sector jobs. 12,803 candidates were attended, out of which3,966 candidates were selected initially and finally 531 candidates were placed in a private sector.

In addition to above, this department has initiated the following new schemes under the funding and supervision of Govt., of India.


The Government of India, through Director General of Employment, is implementing the scheme of transforming 100 selective Districts Employment Exchanges into District Career Centers throughout the Nation.

According to the scheme, the existing Employment Exchanges will act as District Career Centers with counseling, skill up gradation training, interaction with employers, meeting the employers to know their vacancy positions with required skills, apart from the existing activities.

3 MCCs are sanctioned to the State of Telangana. They are:-

• the University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau at Osmania University,
• District Employment Exchange (Cler& Tech) Hyderabad and
• District Employment Exchange Warangal. This process is under progress.
The activities of the proposed District Career Centers are expanded to supply skilled and efficient personnel to the industry according to their required skills.

Further, the DGE&T has requested to submit proposals for some more Employment Exchanges for transformation into Model Career Centres


The National Career Service (NCS) portal is a single window platform providing a variety of services like information about skill development courses, apprenticeship, internship, career counseling, etc. along with all employment related services.It bridging the gap between those who need jobs and those who want to hire them, between people seeking career guidance and training and those who can provide the counseling and training. Bringing job seekers, employers, counselors, trainers and placement organizations together on one platform by offering a convergence of information that enlightens minds and empowers people.

This portal shall also act as the unified portal for online registration of candidates, organizations/business units, generation of MIS reports and submission of Annual Returns etc. Under this scheme, the centralized data will be available at DGE portal for employers so as to select the eligible candidates throughout the Nation and candidates can register from anywhere of India from nationwide.

The NCS portal will dynamically interact with State’s employment systems for exchange of information so that the users have access to a wider range of services and career opportunities. Wherever State systems are on the NIC network the NIC office will assist in developing an interface for information exchange. The state having independent systems will need to facilitate the interaction of their technology team with the central team to develop this interface.


This department & MeeSeva associating together to introduce online services of Employment Department viz.,
• Registration with Employment Exchange
• Renewal of Employment card and
• Updation of Employment card.
The IT & C department is developing a web based application for providing online services through the Employment Exchanges.

The front end application has been developed by the MeeSeva (HP Team) and the migration of state data to central portal of MeeSeva is under process, so as to start the web based application and to deliver the services through MeeSeva, which was providing 327 services in 36 departments to outreach the remote areas in the State.

G. Rajendera Kumar

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