The right and wrong of lip care

Update: 2018-12-21 05:30 IST

Here are some tips for beautiful lips which will help you regain the soft, luscious and kissable lips look.

Use Lipsticks Sparingly
Use lipsticks only when you need them the most. They contain chemicals, which are not good for your lips. Make sure you use Lipsticks with Shea butter, Vitamin E, jojoba oil etc that moisturize your lips. Go for a tinted lip balm instead of a lipstick for regular use.


Keep Lips Hydrated
Your lips being the least naturally equipped for self preservation, they are the first to show the effects. To retaining the natural color of lips, it is essential to maintain hydration levels by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to retain the natural moisture of your lips, especially during winters when we often tend to drink less water, and dehydration is noticed. 

Use Lip Products with SPF
Exposure to the harsh sun rays can cause darkening of the lips. UV rays have the same damaging effect on your lips as it does on the skin. Always use lip products that contain SPF to protect your lips when you need to spend time outside during daytime. 

Exfoliate at least once a week
Use a natural lip scrub at least once every week to remove dead cells and dry skin from your lips. You can mix olive oil and sugar and use this for exfoliation. Once you rinse off, apply healing lip butter or your favorite lip moisturizer. Surprisingly this one of the most favored of the beautiful lips tips.



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