Winner Mantra : Social phobia, hurdle to success

Winner Mantra : Social phobia, hurdle to success

Many people suffer from social phobia which makes them feel insecure when they are being watched or observed. This feeling should be eliminated with...

Many people suffer from social phobia which makes them feel insecure when they are being watched or observed. This feeling should be eliminated with regular counselling

dr b v patabhiThe greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard Social phobia is a typical anxiety disorder in which a person has an irrational and unreasonable fear of social gatherings and situations. Anxiety, tension and self-consciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged, and criticized by others. It is seen not only in the youngsters but also among adults. Such people are afraid that they will make mistakes, look awkward and be embarrassed or insulted by others.

Many people with social anxiety disorder feel that there is "something wrong," but don't recognize that their feeling is simply an imaginary psychological illness and that through counselling it can be helped a great deal.

Symptoms of social anxiety disorder can include:

  • Feeling uncomfortable to be at the centre of attraction
  • Avoid eating in front of others.
  • Unable to write, even sign, when others are observing.
  • Feel shy particularly of opposite sex.
  • Feeling like frequent urination
  • Hesitate to use public toilets during functions.
  • Strongly believe that they cannot communicate effectively.
  • Physical symptoms of anxiety, including , pounding heart, sweating.
  • While talking to superiors they develop muscle tension and experience an upset stomach.

People with social anxiety disorder suffer from distorted thinking, they tend to jump to conclusions and develop false beliefs about social situations and say that it is all a big drama. They develop a negative opinion about the people who are very active and social. This negative belief may interfere with their normal routine not only in the family but also at the workplace and finally disturb the relationships. This disorder can be treated without a psychiatry treatment if it is noticed at an early stage.

Great people who had social phobia It might be surprising to learn that some great politicians, actors and prominent people had social phobia when they were in their teens. Social psychologists believe that social phobia, anxiety and shyness during childhood make a person a great leader of his chosen profession because they had the ability to listen and thus motivated themselves. At the same time, most leaders who are shy at some point learn how to overcome their insecurities in order to fulfil the social obligations whether in family circles or in their careers. Here are some famous political figures, who were particularly shy during their early years.

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincolnwas born in a poor farming family in Kentucky. Despite being shy and appearing a little awkward, he went on to study law and later, politics. Lincoln was elected 16th president of the United States. During childhood Abraham Lincoln was very fearful, shy and did not have friends. As he grew, he realised that his social phobia may become a hindrance to his goal of becoming a big businessman.

Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt suffered fromasthma and poor eyesight as a child, and grew up as a timid and shy lad. Determined not to be limited by his physical challenges, he began an exercise that helped him grow strong and confident. Roosevelt later went on to become both Vice President and President of the United States, and received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Alfred Hitchcock Known as the "Master of Suspense," Alfred Hitchcock was one of the most famous film directors of the 20th century. Once his father wanted to teach discipline to his son, he sent him to local police station and the officer locked young Hitchcock in a cell. The effect was devastating. The experience left Hitchcock shaken to the core. As a result, Hitchcock developed anxiety and fear. Subsequently, his positive attitude helped him to make horror movies.

Charlie Chaplin Chaplin's childhood was defined by poverty and hardship. He was sent forwork,twice before the age of nine, his father was absent, and his mother was committed to a mental asylum. Chaplin began performing on the stage from a young age, touring talkies and later working as a stage actor and comedian. He had social phobia during childhood, but later he has become a most popular actor and director.

Check your Social Phobia level Tick your answer with an 'Yes' or 'No' 1. Do you constantly feel that you are being judged by other people? 2. Do you feel that you are being watched by others? 3. Do you keep quiet because of the fear of ineffective communication skills? 4. Do you worry about a function although there is no need to worry about? 5. Would you feel comfortable when you sit in the last row in a social function? 6. Does the fear of embarrassment keep you away from expressing your opinion? 7. Do you experience tension or sweating before you meet strangers? 8. Did you ever avoid social situations because of your anxiety? 9. Do you bluntly refuse to be the guest speaker at a function? 10. Has your anxiety about social situations disturbed your relations? If you have not ticked even a single 'yes' you are perfectly normal. If you have ticked 1 to 3 'Yes' you are ok. 4 to 6 'Yes' you need to alter your attitude. 7 and 8 'Yes' you need to motivate yourself to be confident. 9 and 10 you need counsellor's help.

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