All set for reopening of schools from today after summer vacay

Update: 2022-07-05 00:44 IST

Guntur: All set to reopen schools across the State on Tuesday after summer vacation. Following the instructions of the government, the district administration has made all arrangements to reopen the schools on June 5.

Corporate schools have already started online classes to students from June 9 and started admission process. Similarly, admission process started in government schools also. Some municipal corporation schools have already announced that there are no seats in the schools.


The government has made arrangements to distribute Jagananna Vidya Kanuka from tomorrow across the State. Jagananna Vidya Kanuka kits have already reached government schools and the Headmasters will nominally distribute Jagananna Vidya Kanuka to a few students on Tuesday.

As soon as they get sufficient stocks, the kits will be distributed to all students. The students studying in corporate and private schools will purchase textbooks in the open market. Corporate schools are selling study material, notebooks and belt to students in the schools. Corporate schools are selling study material at a cost of Rs 6,000 and violating norms.

The school staff are contacting parents to purchase study material kits immediately. The parents are criticising that the school management is violating the norms and forcing to purchase five to six useless books at Rs 6,000. But no option except to purchase the kits, they added.

Meanwhile, the school education department is playing spectator role, they are not taking any action against the schools selling material.



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