Anantapur girl grabs gold medal in national level skating competition

Update: 2024-05-24 09:45 IST

Heena Faiza, a talented young skater from Anantapur, has made her mark on the national stage by securing a gold medal in the 6th national ranking open roller skating championship competition held in Goa. Competing in 5-7 years category, Heena outshone her opponents with a stellar performance, claiming the coveted first place position.

Starting her journey at district level, Heena has consistently showcased her talent and prowess in various sports competitions, gradually progressing from district to State, south zone and now national level. Her commendable feat in winning gold medal underscores her exceptional skills and determination to excel in her chosen sport at a young age. As a role model for aspiring athletes and sports enthusiasts, Heena Faiza's success story serves as an inspiration to all, showcasing the rewards of perseverance, passion, and unwavering commitment to one's goals. 



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