Don't panic when infected by Covid, says pulmonologist

Update: 2021-05-13 22:28 IST

Pulmonologist G Srinivas

Rajamahendravaram: Covid pandemic is now haunting people across the globe creating panic but timely advice of doctor and proper medication may help the person stay free from virus.

Noted pulmonologist Guduri Srinivas, speaking to 'TheHans India', said that the patients should not panic assuming something will happen to them.

Mild symptoms appear in 85 percent patients while 10 percent patients require specialist's advice and 5per cent of patients need admission. Saturation levels of BP, sugar, etc should be tested frequently with pulse oxymeter and glucometer. When patient complains of breathlessness, there is need for admission to the hospital. Timely contact with doctors prevents spreading of the virus to others and family members, he added.


Dr Srinivas further said the people in home isolation must wear masks without fail, use drugs as per Covid protocol and it is best to maintain physical distance with other family members. Speak to doctors, if necessary.

The virus attacks throat, nose and later lungs slowly. People suffering with diabetes use their regular medicines as per the advice of medical fraternity. Wearing of masks and maintaining of physical distance helps to eradicate the virus, he averred.

Dr Srinivas is chief of Vijaya Bharathi Chest Institute and also central government's JIT awardee for treatment given to thousands of TB patients.



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