Survivors of human trafficking entitled to human rights: Victims

Update: 2023-12-11 06:28 IST

Vijayawada: Rescued survivors of human trafficking and their children are being stigmatised and discriminated like criminals in the society. As a result, they are facing violation, exploitation, stigma, discrimination in the civil society and they feel that “we are away from our human rights as we are not human being” and hence confined to such derogatory means of life.


It is our prime responsibility to have enough care and concern over them as people of our society, protect their human rights and facilitate effective rehabilitation” demanded T Adilakshmi, member of State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Vimukthi, forum of survivors of trafficking and victims of commercial sexual exploitation and HELP organisation jointly convened a meeting for the rescued survivors on the occasion of World Human Rights Day here on Saturday.

In-charge of NTR District Anti-Human Trafficking Unit K Vasavi urged the survivors to lead a life of dignity with self-confidence for the wellbeing of their children ignoring the disquiet and feel of stigma by people.

BVS Kumar, state coordinator of Indian Red Cross Society said that a number of women are entangled into this profession because of their ill-fate and devastated socio-economic conditions.

N Apurva, president of Vimukthi said that the state and national AIDS control societies are focusing just on the prevention of HIV/AIDS. In spite of revelation by AP State AIDS Control Society (APSACS) that there are 1.35 lakh women in prostitution, they are neglecting to address the violence, exploitation and discrimination against them.

She recalled that the apex Court of India has issued directions that the police should not take any action against those who are adults and also those who are voluntarily in prostitution. Still they are referring them to the shelter homes by force, which are like jails where they were being kept away from their family for months and years long.

B Pushpavathi, secretary of Vimukthi lamented that the victim compensation which is entitled to the rescued survivors by the DLSAs has become far beyond the grounds for them.

Bhaskar, project coordinator, Sharmila, Kumari, Eswari, Parvathi and Jayaprada district facilitators participated in this meeting.



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