US blames China for breaking trade deal

Update: 2019-05-14 00:14 IST

Washington: Toughening his stand against China, President Donald Trump has accused Beijing of breaking the negotiated trade deal draft with the US and asserted that America is "right where we want to be" as both sides remain locked in a bruising trade war.

After the near collapse of trade talks with China last week, Trump on Friday imposed punitive duties on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, raising them to 25 per cent from 10 per cent, and asked for a similar increase on tariff on the rest of the Chinese import of over $300 billion.


Trump's top economic adviser Larry Kudlow said "both sides will suffer" from the trade dispute.

But Trump downplayed the impact of the tariff hike on the US, saying the US was at the right spot in dealing with China.

"We are right where we want to be with China. Remember, they broke the deal with us and tried to renegotiate," Trump said, justifying his decision to impose a hefty tax on Chinese products, including fish, handbags, clothing and footwear.

The new taxes would result in hefty revenue to the US, he claimed.

"We will be taking in tens of billions of dollars in tariffs from China. Buyers of product can make it themselves in the USA (ideal), or buy it from non-tariffed countries...," he said.

"We will then spend (match or better) the money that China may no longer be spending with our Great Patriot Farmers (Agriculture), which is a small percentage of total tariffs received, and distribute the food to starving people in nations around the world!" Trump said. 



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