Balayya plays a saviour

Update: 2019-11-21 22:01 IST

The teaser of the much-hyped movie 'Ruler' starring Balakrishna was unveiled on Thursday. It is being directed by K S Ravi Kumar. Like many of Balakrishna's films this one too has the seasoned star donning two different avatars.

He will be seen as a police man as well as business tycoon and there's no clarity about the link between these two characters.


Balakrishna looks okay in that Robert Downey Jr. styled beard and suits and in the cop role as well.

The teaser is packed with all elements mandatory for Balakrishna's mark mass entertainer. It has two glamorous divas Sonali Chauhan and Vedika as the female leads.

There is a huge star cast in the supporting roles and there is lots of bloodshed and flying bodies all over, in the teaser.

Balakrishna should be hoping to bounce back into the reckoning with the big production being bankrolled by C Kalyan. It is slated for release on December 20.

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