Hamsa Nandini diagnosed with cancer

Update: 2021-12-20 16:04 IST

Hamsa Nandini

Actress Hamsa Nandini who made her debut in Tollywood in the year 2004 has now diagnosed with cancer. Taking to her Twitter profile, the actress mentioned that she was diagnosed with a Grade III Caricoma (breast cancer), for which she is currently undergoing the treatment.

"No matter what life throws at me, no matter how unfair it may seem, I refuse to play the victim. I refuse to be ruled by fear, pessimism, and negativity. I refuse to quit. With courage and love, I will push forward," shared the actress.


The actress also wrote, "Hereditary Breast Cancer means that I have a genetic mutation that almost guarantees that I would have a 70% chance of another Breast Cancer and a 45% chance of Ovarian Cancer throughout my life. The only way to mitigate the risk is through some very extensive prophylactic surgeries which I need to undergo before I can claim victory."

We wish Hamsa Nandini a speedy recovery.



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