
Update: 2023-12-31 10:31 IST


India has always been a region of multiple cultures and ethnicities comprising a multifaceted, colourful and genuinely diverse civilization of innumerable peoples, beliefs and languages. The political domination of Muslim dynasties from Central Asia from the Ghaznavid conquests onwards led to “Persian” being grafted into the Indian subcontinent as the official language of governance and high culture. As classical Persian culture fell into abeyance during the Middle Ages and the Islamic West disintegrated into chaos, India fostered a Persian cultural renaissance of unparalleled literary achievement by émigrés to India as well as by Indians themselves. However, from the beginning of the seventeenth century. “Urdu” began to form around the lower echelons of society as a common tongue to enable communication between the myriad ethnicities of the Mughal Empire, ultimately restricting Persian to a refined language of culture and courtly life in the Mughal court and becoming a vibrant and dynamic language in its own right thus becoming the first literary language with a substantial original contribution from Indians since ancient Sanskrit. Presented in this book are proses, minstrelsy and Parnassus straight from the kings emperors, saints, prisoners and outlaws of the Mughal court and jurisdiction, as well as the beau monde and aristocracy of the Mughal India.


Author: Dr Shadab Ahmed

Price: INR. 349/-

Publisher: Notion Press


Pun equals fun. Are you a person who likes to make a situation a little humorous? Do you enjoy cracking jokes and being the one who can make people laugh? Even if you are a person who just wants to have a good laugh, this book is for you. A pun is a figure of speech that includes a play of words that have more than one meaning or those that sound alike. Among the figures of speech, pun can be said to be the most intriguing and amusing. The latest edition of the book Pun Is Fun by Dr Ravi Prakash Tiwari has 2100 puns, including a new type of pun. Owing to their creativity, they leave the reader with loads of laugher. With the best of the awards in Literature, this promising book will arrest the attention of international readers and experts soon.

Author: Dr Ravi Prakash Tiwari

Price: INR.300/

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing

Odious Orphanage of Paper City

When Chris is admitted to the orphanage “House of Victory,” he has no idea that something awful is waiting for him! An evil warden, mean children, horrible punishments, and disgusting potato soup—will Chris have to stay in this house of horror forever? Full of twists and turns and suspense, The Odious Orphanage of Pape City takes you on a nail-biting adventure, keeping you hooked throughout!

Srikar Chitta is an imaginative Indian-American seventh-grader now at Birla Open Minds International School, Hyderabad. He enjoys reading, learning new technologies, and studying science and nature—but what he loves doing most of all is writing! He writes enthusiastically, and his stories are award-winners—a prize in the 2020 Kid Engage short story competition, and he is the BTB Storyteller of the Year 2020. Two of his prize-winning stories are Devil in Disguise and Three Sides of a Coin. Another of his stories was published in 2021 in Box of Tales—Volume 2: A ‘Beyond the Box’ Anthology. The Odious Orphanage of Pape City is Srikar’s second published book. His first book, Just Another Horrible Year, was published in 2021.

Author: Srikar Chitta

Price: INR.230/-

Publisher: Clever Fox Publishing


Majuli: The Vatican City of Assam is the poetry collection in which Majuli has been presented not only the cultural heritage but also the river junction of India in general and Assam in particular? The painterly painting of the Satriya cultures, festivals, customs, rituals and riverscape brings to light natural iridescence of this river locked island of Assam. The Bihu, Palnam, plays and various other festivals have been celebrated in its full swing. The blending of Indian and Western mythology adds additional glamour in it. The Satra and the Brahmaputra have become Kurukshetra for this river junction. Indianness runs wild across the book. The verse suitors can enjoy the Phrasal junction on one hand and the spiritual essence on the other.

Author: Arbind Kumar Choudhary

Price: INR.250/

Publisher: Authors Press 



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