Health Attracts Happiness

Update: 2023-12-31 09:21 IST

Whether it’s the liveliness from a brisk walk, the peace of a deep meditation session, or the warmth of a laugh with loved ones, health in its various forms is the secret to a joyful life. In the modern world, where we often chase happiness in external achievements, we must remember that we are better equipped to face life’s challenges, enjoy pleasures, and fulfil our potential when healthy.


Recognising that health has many physical, mental, social and spiritual dimensions paves the way to genuine, enduring happiness. Health builds our capacity to experience joy, bear hardship, and be satisfied. It’s not just about the absence of illness but the presence of vitality that makes life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Aspects of Health Physical Health

Yoga Asanas: These postures improve flexibility, strength, and balance, positively impacting all body organs.

Pranayama: These techniques energise the body and balance weight, improving respiratory and circulatory health.

Mudra: These hand gestures are simple to practice and effective in treating various health conditions.

Mental Health

Mental health is the foundation of overall happiness. It involves cultivating a positive mindset through:

Pranayama: Ancient breathing techniques such as Brahmari, Udgeet, and Anulom Vilom help calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve focus.

Meditation: Swaas Dhyaan and Tratak are techniques that cultivate a sense of peace, clarity, and emotional stability.

Affirmations: Positive affirmations can rewire our brains, replacing negative thoughts with empowering beliefs.

Positive Content Consumption: What we read, watch, or listen to can mould our outlook. Choosing uplifting and constructive content is critical.

Positive Relationships: Surrounding ourselves with people who inspire growth and positivity significantly impacts our mental health.

Spiritual Health

This aspect of health goes beyond the physical and mental realms, touching the essence of who we are. This dimension of health involves finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of connection that extends beyond oneself. Spiritual health can provide peace and stability, whether achieved through meditation, prayer, mantra recitation or taking nature walks.

Social Health

All too often forgotten, social health is a prerequisite for happiness. It’s about whether we can form and maintain relationships of significance and how well we interact with our community. Studies have shown that social contacts can improve mental health and enhance longevity.

To develop social health, listen actively, show empathy, and keep in contact with loved ones frequently. Another way to get a sense of belonging and purpose is by taking part in community activities or volunteer work.

Basic Practices for Holistic Health

Practice Gratitude: Regularly reflecting on what you’re thankful for can significantly boost your mood.

Seek Balance: Strive for a balance between work, rest, and play.

Self-Care: Make time for activities that nourish your mind.

Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activities such as yoga or Siddha walk into your daily routine.

Mindful Eating: Choose nourishing foods that fuel your body and mind.

Adequate Sleep: Sacrificing sleep for productivity can be counterproductive in the long run. So, make sure to rest to recharge your body and mind.

Stress Management: Engage in meditation or hobbies that help manage stress.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water keeps your body functioning optimally.

Set boundaries: Learn to say no when required to avoid burnout respectfully.

In our fast-paced world, spending time with oneself can be a powerful tool. Spend 10 minutes daily to engage in self-talk, reflect on your goals and progress, and allow yourself the space to understand your thoughts and emotions.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let’s remind ourselves that happiness isn’t a distant goal but a daily choice. Embracing practices like yoga, meditation, and mindful eating while nurturing our mental and spiritual selves sets the foundation for a fulfilling life. It’s about balancing self-care with community engagement, rest with activity and personal growth with empathy towards others.

So, let’s take these insights and turn them into action. Let’s prioritise health, not just for the sake of longevity but for the quality of our lives. In doing so, we open the doors to a life where health attracts happiness, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves.

(The writer is the Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa)



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