Pack a punch!

Update: 2019-05-11 23:44 IST

With a slew of dry days coming up over the next few weeks, we suggest beating the heat with these summer coolers that are packed with fresh fruits and Indian spices which are easily available in every household or at the nearest vegetable vendor.

Fruit Punch


1 cup orange juice

1 cup pineapple juice

1 cup mango juice

1/2 cup fresh cream


Balls of mango, watermelon and black grapes

Mint leaves dipped in cold water


1. Thread mango, grapes, and watermelon, balls alternating with mint leaves on a wooden skewer and keep aside to use as the stirrer.

2. Blend all ingredients of the punch together.

3. Put crushed ice in a glass. Pour the punch mix on top.

4. Place the prepared stirrer in the glass. Serve with a straw.

Fire on ice


4 fresh, thick green or red chillies – slit and open slightly.

4 cup coconut water (cocojal).

2 tsp powdered sugar or sugar-free powder to taste.

2 tsp lemon juice.

Pinch of salt and pepper.

1 cup Sprite to top (see note).

Crushed ice


1. Put ice in a tall glass. Place chilli on the ice.

2. Add coconut water, sugar-free powder, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

3. Stir well to dissolve the sugar-free powder and to add the fire of the chillies to the drink.

4. Top with Sprite. Stir once and serve.

Note: If you substitute soda for Sprite, increase the sugar and lemon juice.



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