Shopping Reminder Day

Update: 2021-11-25 00:26 IST

Shopping Reminder Day

Christmas – that most wonderful time of year filled with gifts, festivities, and a whole host of ads and promotions constantly bombarding you about it. It's no doubt that Christmas has become commercialized, and indeed one may be at loss for words that there's a holiday to remind you to shop when everyone is busy with, well, shopping. But that's exactly what Shopping Reminder Day is all about.


As Christmas grew more commercialized in the 20th Century, the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving Day became the busiest shopping day of the year in the US. As a result, it's often known popularly as Black Friday, and it's an inevitability that shopping malls will be packed with shoppers who are eager to get a head start on their holiday shopping or who just want to take advantage of the copious number of sales and promotions that happen at this time of year. In fact, some have gotten so tired of the endless barrage of consumerism that it has become Buy Nothing Day, which is exactly what it sounds like. But back to the point – Shopping Reminder Day likely has the same origins as Black Friday, and may or may not coincide with that day in a given year (it could even fall on Thanksgiving).



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