This is what actor Pranitha Subhash eats to be healthy

Update: 2023-06-05 11:17 IST

Fitness is an integral part of one’s lifestyle and should always be a top concern especially in our current fast-paced lives. Along with a regular workout regimen, it is critical to rethink one’s eating habits and integrate nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts like almonds into the diet to preserve general health and fitness. Developing a morning routine is extremely important as it helps to get a head start to the day. It is equally imperative to indulge in consuming a healthy breakfast as it fuels us with energy that takes us through most of the morning.


Fitness is a great deal for everyone, especially for celebrities as it is essential to maintain a fit and healthy body in order to survive in the industry. Here are 4 things Pranitha follows diligently to begin her day.


First and foremost, I like to begin my day by meditating in a quiet and an open space as it helps reduce stress, improve productivity, boost creativity, and maintain general well-being. I make sure not to look at my phone or indulge in any other activity before I sit for my meditation session. Sitting in stillness fills me with peace, a sense of contentment, and deep joy. I follow this practice almost everyday for 10-15 minutes and it really helps me start my day fresh, with positive thoughts.

Snack on high proteins

It is essential to start your day by eating something before the morning workout session to get that extra dose of energy. I mostly wake up feeling hungry, so I snack on something healthy to pack in the right nutrients. My go-to option is to eat a handful of almonds. It is fuss-free and makes for a good pre-workout snack, owing to its nutrient-rich composition. Almonds are a rich source of protein, which is not only energy-yielding but also known to contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Almonds are also rich in Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus, nutrients known for their role in energy release from food[1]. This promotes a feeling of fullness, so you don’t resort to unhealthy snack options. Almonds are also lightweight, and very easy to carry while travelling to and from the gym. Snacking on almonds instead of consuming unwholesome snacks, can make a healthy difference to our lives.

Hydration is the key

I believe one should begin their day with a glass of water. Alternatively, drinking lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon goes a long way. I usually drink about a litre of water by mid-morning, as a lot of us tend to get busy with work through the day and aren’t as diligent to ensure our body gets the regular amount it needs through the day. Therefore, it is important to consume water or juice at regular intervals to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Boost your early morning endorphins

It is good to have a mindful and active morning, as it sets the tone for the day. This could be easily done by setting a daily workout regime. Physical workout must be correctly supplemented with a healthy diet and proper rest. I ensure to go to the gym and workout daily, under the guidance of my trainer and follow a nutritious diet post workout. I also tend to post a lot of fitness videos and reels on my Instagram to keep my followers motivated and stay fit.

Last but not the least, it is important to understand that having a daily morning routine isn’t about adding more to your to-do list for the day. It’s about filling in your mornings with activities that help you rejuvenate, reset, and refocus for the day ahead.



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