Tirupati: SPMVV a step ahead in holding digital classes

Update: 2020-04-16 01:13 IST

Tirupati: Undaunted by the lockdown restrictions, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (SPMVV) is going fast on online path to complete the syllabus to all courses – be it arts, sciences, commerce, pharmacy or even engineering.

They have been successfully running classes and if need be, the faculty is ready to conduct examinations also online so that the academic calendar may not get disturbed due to Covid-19 pandemic.


They even got the applause for their initiative from Higher Education Minister A Suresh during a video-conference with all Vice Chancellors and Registrars held on Tuesday to discuss about digital classes.

When asked about how they are teaching online, Professor of Business Management Dr J Katyayani, who has been coordinating the programme, told The Hans India, that they have been using various platforms like Zoom App, WhatsApp, YouTube and Google Classroom for the purpose.

The first year syllabus was completed already and the second year syllabus is about to complete. She said that they have been using 'Moodle LMS' open source learning programme since 2016 itself in MBA department through which assignments, quiz programmes are being conducted.

"Even Zoom meetings can be connected through plug in to Moodle which can be very useful. These are the effective platforms through which the academic schedule can be followed for the benefit of students," she explained.

Faculty members have registered in the Zoom App and teaching the lessons while some of them are using Google classes and even TikTok.

Coordinators will coordinate with faculty and draw department wise schedules. Of course, there are problems like bandwidth and internet connection. Still about 80 per cent attendance could be witnessed for every class, Prof Katyayani said.

"Zoom App can be used free for 40 minutes with 100 members participation for one meeting schedule. While we host a meeting its URL can be created and shared to students through WhatsApp through which they can access it online," she maintained.

The Minister has appreciated SPMVV faculty and students for being implementing it

successfully. SPMVV V-C

Prof D Jamuna and Registrar Prof DM Mamatha have

attributed the success in digital classes to the strong mentor – mentee system. 



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