What Should be the Study Plan for JEE Main 2021

Update: 2020-06-30 14:35 IST
What Should be the Study Plan for JEE Main 2021

The joint entrance examination, known as JEE, is conducted by the National Testing Agency for the students who aspire to be admitted to IITs, NITs, and India's top architecture colleges. JEE is divided into two examinations JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main is conducted twice a year, once in January and other in April.

● For admissions into B.E and B-Tech, candidates have to appear for Paper- I. Paper-I consists of 75 questions of 300.


● It is further divided into three sections- Physics, Chemistry, and Maths, with 25 questions.

● The exam has shifted from pen-paper to Computer Based Test (CBT).

● For students who wish to pursue B. Planning and B.Arch, they have to attempt 100 & 77 questions of 400.

Knowing the complete registration process, exam details, and tips to prepare better for JEE Main will go through the complete article. Don't forget to check out important details and dates.

JEE Main 2021 January Session Dates

Name of the Exam JEE Main 2021
Testing Agency National Testing Agency
Release of notification Last week of August
Start of registration 1st week of September
End of Registration 2nd week of October
Correction window 3rd week of October
Issue of admit card 1st week of December
JEE Main Exam Date 2nd week of January

JEE Main 2021 Registration: Check the latest information

● The application process for JEE Main 2021 will commence from the 1st week of September 2020 (January session). The process will be completely online.

● Test-takers will have to register with valid e-mail id and contact number.

● One aspirant can apply only once at a time.

● The application process will include various steps like Registration, Filling the Application form, uploading of the Image, payment of fees, and taking a pint of Application form.

● An aspirant will receive a notification via sms after successful registration.

● One must print all documents related to application and also of the receipt of fee payment.

Now as promised by us we have mentioned a few instructions below regarding JEE Main 2021 preparation. Please check them out!

How to start preparing for JEE Main 2021?

Many students may be finding it challenging to start preparation. There is no need to panic if you are in the middle of June. You still have a sufficient amount of time to prepare for JEE Main 2021 and ace it. All you need to do is to follow some steps and work persistently towards achieving your goal.

Here are a few things you can do to start with your preparation:

1. Write down the complete syllabus for JEE Main in your notebook. Or to make it much better and clear, take a print out.

2. Go through the complete syllabus first to know and completely absorb it.

3. Choose the right kind of study material. Ask your teachers or your seniors to recommend good books.

4. Do self- study or enrol in coaching.

5. Do not procrastinate.

6. Give mocks regularly and analyse your mistakes.

7. Be consistent and put in a sufficient amount of effort.

Strategy to ace JEE Main 2021

1. Know your syllabus

It is rightly said, "It's not important whether your study or not for exams, but the thing that matters is to be completely aware of exams." Take a print out of the complete syllabus from the official website. Take some time to absorb the syllabus and paper pattern. This will help you to give a quick start.

2. Time- table

Doing things randomly does not give appropriate results. So, it is very important to prepare a time-table before you start studying. Try to give at least 1 hour to every subject during the initial days. Once you get into the habit of studying, increase your time. Give at least 3-4 hours daily and 5-6 hours on weekends.

3. Understand Basics

It is very important to have a strong grip on basic concepts before you start preparing for the advanced version of questions. Give some extra time to peep into the basics very consciously. Watch videos of the tutors you are most comfortable with. But do not jump straight onto questions before understanding concepts.

4. Solving is the key

Once you are done with basics, start solving. Take a close look at what is asked, give some time to think and then solve. Instead of jumping straight into solving questions, implement "Pre-thinking" and then solve. Because no matter how well you understand the concepts, if you don't solve, you'll forget what you understood.

5. Quality vs Quantity

Solving hundreds of questions and still not understanding the reason behind each correct and wrong answer would be of no use. Try to solve the minimum number of questions at a time. But make sure to give an equal amount of time to analyse as well. Peep into every possible reason for the answer to be right and every possible reason for the answer to be wrong. This will help to develop a thinking which will improve your score.

6. Mock Tests

Start giving a mock test every week to increase your sitting time. This would help you prepare for the actual test.

Do not leave a mock after solving it. Give at least 2-3 hours to analyse it completely. Prepare an error log. This will help you not to repeat that silly mistake.

7. Be Consistent and Persistent

No matter how hard you prepare, if you are not consistent with your actions, you would not achieve what you aspire for.

Therefore, it is very important to be consistent and persistent at the same time. Do not leave preparation for a single day. Do it every day until the exam day comes.

Subject wise preparation Strategy

1. Physics

Physics requires a lot of logic and pre-thinking. It is very important to build that level of thinking, and it comes with practice. Understand the concepts well and practice as much as you can. Because practising is the key to achieve success. Prepare your cheat sheet to memorise important concepts and formulae. But make sure to practice, practice, and practice as many problems as you can.

2. Chemistry

For chemistry, understand all the basics. Know the reason for every question and practice solving questions.

3. Maths

Maths require building concepts and practices. Make your notes of concepts, question types, and formulae. Revise them from time to time. Solve as much as you can. Understand each question carefully and then solve it.

Syllabus for JEE Main and Advanced

Go to the official website to know about the complete syllabus of JEE Main and Advanced.

Things to avoid while preparing

Procrastination and Backlogs

While preparing, it is very necessary to avoid procrastination and backlogs. Try to complete your "To-Do List" daily. This will help you without any fear and stress. Piling up things will do no good. Instead, it will create tension and anxiety. So, it's better to do daily things daily.

Excessive TV and social media

It is very important to understand the intricacies of your year-long practice and hard work. Do not watch TV and indulge in social media for too long.

Feeling depressed

It is very normal to feel a bit low if you are not scoring well. But do not get too depressed. Instead, take it as a challenge to do better next time. Analyse your mistakes and get back to the track to give your 100 per cent.

Some last-minute tips

● Indulge in some physical activities to keep you fit and active.

● Do meditation to keep yourself away from stress and fear. It will also help in increasing concentration and focus.

● Follow healthy eating habits.

● Do not indulge in too many things. Do one thing at a time.

● Understand concepts well. Revise topics regularly.

● Keep yourself motivated.

● Talk to your family, friends, and teachers when feeling low.

● Give your best in every question and every mock.

● Remain motivated.

It is not a journey of one day or so. It is a year-long journey. So, it is very important to enjoy the process before reaching its destination. Prepare while putting your best efforts and stay motivated during this year-long journey. Because of no matter what life seems beautiful from the top.

Thanks for reading the article. Do let us know if you have any queries or want some more information about such topics. We would love to answer all your queries.

Keep learning, keep growing, and never stop hustling!



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