Make their breakfast nutritious everyday

Update: 2022-09-25 01:36 IST

Make their breakfast nutritious everyday

Although the old saying reminds us to eat breakfast like a king, which may not sound practical anymore for kids and teens who have limited time in the morning to have such a royal breakfast. We observe there is a lack of interest and time among them as well as parents to plan a healthy option but based on recent research evidence breakfast continues to be the paramount of our daily morning routine. Most of our kids these days indulge in ready to eat/processed breakfast options daily which is no doubt more convenient but we see the future of such breakfast menu can one day replace our traditional breakfast options like dosa, paranta, idli, dhokla, poha, chilla.


Speaking to The Hans India, the Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru, Senior Clinical Dietician, Edwina Raj said, "There are many upcoming research data that have focused on breakfast being the most important meal of the day which should also be equally nutritious and packed with essential nutrients which not only helps to kickstart the children metabolism rather improves their mental health and upscale their academic performance. In my practice I have been noticing recently among teens who have resorted to intermittent fasting at times by skipping breakfast or to avoid motion sickness while travelling in a school bus that disrupts their biological clock (circadian rhythm), since they are influenced mostly by peers, social media and deny to accept any advice from parents about the importance of healthy breakfast. Such kids practice a different routine during weekends who involve in binging when they are at home but prefer to starve on week days or grab anything unhealthy, imbalanced options which completely disrupts their routine and health."

Our traditional breakfast can be tweaked to make them more nutritious and reap the best health benefits out of them rather than exposing kids to processed preparation which can be monotonous without any added variety from different food groups.

Also, Edwina Raj pointed out, "These ready to eat can be an option for us to include when we need a break from our regular, home cooked options. Many studies have found that a poor quality of breakfast has not only increased the incidences of nutrient deficiencies rather there is more risk of developing chronic diseases, gastro intestinal disturbances and impact's one's overall wellbeing."

Therefore, a wholesome breakfast should nourish you with macro and micro nutrients which should complement from different food groups with a right balance rather than dominating it with one specific food group. Consult a Nutritionist today to get a better understanding about the best suitable breakfast options for your children based on their preferences and health condition.



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