Techniques for remote learning and teaching

Update: 2022-02-10 00:30 IST

Techniques for remote learning and teaching

The pandemic has undeniably changed the popular attitude towards remote learning and has accelerated the adoption of e-learning platforms. While physical classes are beginning gradually, we may have to resort to online teaching and learning in the face of contingencies like the one we have witnessed in the past two years.

And even in the normal times, the concept of blended learning is a valuable one, hence it is advisable for both students and teachers to keep in touch with and further refine their online teaching-learning practices.


Create and stick to a schedule

Scheduling not only makes you more productive, but it also structures your life, which is much required these days.

A defined routine gives you a foundation on which to structure your day and develop a sense of normalcy and will not only help you be more productive, but it will also help you regain confidence and purpose, as well as contribute to your general psychological well-being.

Consider an online course as though it were a traditional one

Remembering that you are taking an online class seriously, just as you would a regular class, is one of the easiest methods to ensure that you follow through.

As if you were attending a typical in-person class if you want to get the most out of your lesson, you'll need to "show up."

Make a commitment to yourself

Set objectives for yourself at the start of the semester and check in with yourself on a weekly basis.

If you're having problems being accountable to yourself, team up with a classmate or friend as an accountability partner.

Maintain a regular study place and keep organised

having a dedicated space to study helps you to stay focused. It's essential to figure out what kind of setting will benefit you the most. Make sure you have high-speed internet access wherever you go so you don't have to take an online course over a sluggish connection.

Creating a regular workstation can also aid in your organisation. Knowing where essential dates, files, forms, syllabi, books, and assignments are stored can help you stay on track to meet your objectives.

Ignore any distractions

Try shutting off your phone to prevent losing attention every time a text message or notification appears.

If you're still having trouble resisting the impulse to check social media or explore the web, you might want to consider downloading a website blocker.

Distractions may be reduced by using programmes like Cold Turkey and Freedom, which restrict apps or websites that compete for your attention.



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