'Don't slit my neck', say vendors, shopkeepers in Mysuru

Update: 2022-06-30 22:28 IST

‘Don’t slit my neck’, say vendors, shopkeepers in Mysuru

Mysuru: Amid widespread protests against the brutal murder of a tailor, Kanhaiya Lal in Udayapur of Rajasthan recently for supporting suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, a new abhiyan was launched in Nanjanagudu in Mysuru district on Wednesday.

Backed by Hindu outfits, many vegetable and flower vendors, shopkeepers are displaying a slogan: "I am poor, don't slit my neck; I will not tell the truth; will not stand by those who tell the truth. My family is depending upon me."

The tailor was killed in Udaypur by miscreants for a social media post supporting BJP former spokesperson Nupur Sharma's alleged comments against the prophet.



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