Best Skincare Routine For Dry Skin

Update: 2023-08-25 13:18 IST

Are you dealing with dry, dehydrated skin? Don’t despair. There’s a skincare routine for that! Dry skin can be uncomfortable and is usually marked by scaling, itching, cracking, and bleeding. While dry skin commonly affects the hands, arms, and legs, it can affect any body part.

When the skin is dry, it develops tiny cracks in the outer layer, interfering with its ability to maintain hydration properly.


Dry skin, also called xerosis, is caused by ageing, genetics, heredity factors, sun damage, environmental factors, lack of hydration and moisture, etc. There are many other reasons why skin becomes dry, but if left untreated, dry skin can crack and become infected. Dry skins are vulnerable to early wrinkles with rough, reddish patches. Daily and appropriate care is essential.

The type of skincare products you use can also be a factor if they contain harsh chemicals or drying ingredients that disturb the skin’s surface.

The secret of good skin lies in the right kind of care. In dry skin, the oil-producing glands are less active. Seasonal changes also influence the skin. Dry skin lacks both oil and moisture.

Moisture is most important to dry skin. It helps to keep the skin soft, smooth and supple, all hallmarks of younger skin. Habitual lack of humidity can lead to visible ageing signs on the skin, like lines, wrinkles, loss of elasticity and firmness. Properly moisturised skin can naturally exfoliate built-up dead skin, allowing younger skin to reveal itself and help a well-formulated moisturiser absorb better.

Regular hydration also allows the skin to preserve and sustain the natural substances it relies on to keep it healthy-looking and visibly protected from harmful environmental influences. There are various natural ingredients that provide moisturising to skin.

Coconut oil: It contains saturated fatty acids with emollient properties that significantly improve skin hydration and increase the number of lipids on the skin’s outer parts, making it smooth and soft.

Oatmeal bath has immense qualities: Oatmeal extracts contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can treat dry skin. It can be used by adding powdered oatmeal to a bath or creams containing oatmeal to hydrate dry skin.

Aloe vera has been part of the traditional Indian

healing system: Aloe vera gel relieves dry skin. A person with dry skin on their hands or feet can apply aloe vera gel cover the affected area with a sock or glove, preferably before bed, and leave the gel on all night.

Here are some more tips

Tanning and dryness can be a lethal combination. Ensure you regularly moisturise your palms and fingertips because they are constantly exposed to harsh products. Cleanse the face twice a day with a cleansing cream or gel containing aloe vera, which helps check moisture loss and rehydrates the skin. Apply the cleanser with a light massage and wipe it off with moist cotton wool.

Tone the skin with rose water or a rose-based skin tonic. You can make a homemade cleanser for dry skin - Add two drops of any vegetable oil (olive, til, sunflower oil) to a tablespoon of cold milk. Dip cotton wool in it and wipe the skin. Make this for 2 or 3 days, but keep it in the refrigerator.

Protect the skin from moisture loss due to sun exposure. Apply a sunscreen before going out in the sun. Most sunscreens have built-in moisturisers. A liquid moisturiser should also be used under make-up. Keep the skin well moisturised.

Nourishment is imperative for dry skin, as it not only lubricates the skin but helps it to hold moisture better. It also softens the skin. After cleansing at night, apply a nourishing cream on the face and massage it with upward and outward movements for 3 to 4 minutes. Wipe off excess cream with moist cotton wool before bedtime.

The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate. It acquires lines and wrinkles quickly. Apply an under-eye cream and wipe it off after 15 minutes with moist cotton wool. Or, daily, apply pure almond oil sparingly and massage lightly, using only the ring finger, for one minute under each eye. Massage in one direction only.

The skin on the lips is also thin and lacks oil-producing glands. It becomes dry and chaps easily. After cleansing, apply almond oil or almond cream on the lips daily and leave it on all night. Sun-protective lip balms are also helpful.

For skin on the body, arms and legs, apply warm sesame seed oil before bath, massaging it into the skin. Use a mild glycerine soap. Immediately after your bath, apply a body lotion while the skin is still damp. This helps to seal in




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