Art of Making French Toast

Update: 2019-03-11 15:35 IST

Do you have kids at home, you should master the art of making French toasts! if there is one dish that can get get even the most finicky eaters to the dining table, the humble French toast has got to be it! A great breakfast and snack option, this toast with a twist can be sanity saver for a mother who has a fussy litter eater at home.

Of late this dish has become a gourmet food today. But you don't need to walk the gourmet path to satisfy your kid's taste buds. Even as it's simplest, French toast is a Winner.


Easy And Quick Recipe To Make French Toast For Kids

Making French Toast cannot get easier than this! This classic easy french toast recipe for kids will not just save you time but will also ensure that your little one enjoys a wholesome meal.

 All you need:

. 1 egg

. 1 Tsp vanilla extract

. 1/2 Tspn Cinnamon powder

. 1/4 cup milk

.4 slices of bread


1. Add egg, vanilla extract and cinnamon in a bowl, and whisk it well.

2. Now add the milk next and keep stirring.

3. Now, take a bread slice and dip it in the egg in the mixture. Make sure the mix coats well both the sides of the bread slice well.

4. Melt butter in a nonstick pan.

5. Place the bread in the pan and cook until it turns golden brown on both sides.

Great yummy french toast all you wanted to serve your kids is ready to serve and now watch him enjoy!

So how healthy is your French Toast?

So, French Toast is tasty. But is it healthy? If this worry is holding you back from adding this awesome dish to your kid's menu, check out the table below! 




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