Why you must include Dragon Fruit in your diet?

Update: 2022-08-13 09:15 IST

Dragon fruit might be another great option, as one serving does contain around 8% of your recommended daily intake. It also contains, vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron.

Dragon fruit is also known as Pitaya or strawberry pear, it is a tropical fruit and it is known for its vibrant red skin and sweet, seed-speckled pulp.

It has got a unique look and it has also acclaimed superfood power, which has made it popular among the foodies and health conscious.

High in nutrients

Dragon fruit is low in calories and it is packed having essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains a substantial amount of dietary fiber.


Beyond the essential nutrient, the dragon fruit also tend to supply beneficial plant compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids and betacyanins.

Calories: 136

Protein: 3 grams

Fat : 0 grams

Fiber : 7 grams

Carbohydrates: 29 grams

May help Fight Chronic Disease

Free radicals are unstable molecules, which tend to cause cell damage, which might lead to inflammation as well as disease.

One way you can combat it, by having antioxidant-rich foods such as dragon fruit.

Antioxidant help by neutralizing the free radicals and also it helps in preventing the cell damage and inflammation.

Antioxidants work best when it is eaten naturally rather than in a pill form or as supplement. In fact, the antioxidant supplements might have harmful effects and taking them without medical supervision is not recommended.

Loaded with Fiber

Dietary fibers are nondigestible carbohydrates, which boast of having extensive list of potential health benefits.

Fiber is probably well known for its role in digestion, research have suggested it might also play a significant role in protecting against the heart disease, managing type 2 diabetes and maintaining body weight.

However, one should note, that high fiber diet do have drawbacks, especially if you are accustomed to a low fiber diet. To avoid stomach discomfort, increase your intake of dietary fiber gradually and drink plenty of fluids.

Promotes healthy gut

Your gut is home to some 100 trillion diverse microorganisms, including more than 400 species of bacteria.

Numerous researchers believe this community of microorganisms might impact your health. Both human as well as animal studies have associated imbalances in your gut to condition like asthma and heart disease.

Prebiotics are specific type of fiber, which help promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

Similar like all fibers, your gut cannot break them down. However, the bacteria in your gut can digest them. They tend to use the fiber for growth and you can reap the benefits.

Strengthen your immune system

Your body's ability to fight infection is determined by numerous factors, which include the quality of your diet.

The vitamin C and carotenoids in dragon fruit might boost your immune system and prevent infection by protecting your white blood cells from damage.

The white blood cells in your immune system attack and also destroy the harmful substances. However, they are extremely sensitive to the damage by the free radicals.

May boost iron levels

Iron plays a very crucial role in transporting oxygen throughout your body. It also plays an significant role in breaking down food into energy.

Dragon fruit might be another great option, as one serving does contain around 8% of your recommended daily intake. It also contains, vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron.

Good Source ofMagnesium

Dragon fruit offers more magnesium when compared to most fruits having 18% of your RDI in just one cup. On an average, your body contains around 24g of magnesium.

Studies have revealed that diets adequate in magnesium support bone health.



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