7 Impressive Health benefits of Peanuts

Update: 2020-03-06 00:40 IST

The humble peanut, often dismissed as a boring food item, has multiple uses beyond one can contend with. Commonly known in the UK as groundnut, or monkey nut, the peanut is in fact a legume grown for its seeds and the oil extracted from them. Hence it's also known as an underground growing oil crop. Read on to learn about the gains of peanuts.


Peanuts are important crops that are commonly used by farmers during the crop rotation process because they bear symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules. The ability to fix nitrogen means peanuts can be easily grown because they require less fertilizer containing nitrogen, and soil fertility is also improved by the crops.

If a peanut is cut in half, it shows the different sections that include: shell or the outer coating that is in contact with dirt; cotyledons (two) this is the main edible part; seed coat that is a brown paper-like covering of the edible part; radicle or the embryonic root at the bottom of the cotyledon that can be removed; plumule or embryonic shoot that emerges from the top of the radicle.

Peanuts are commonly used as part of the cuisine in Southeast Asia and also on the Indian subcontinent. In Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, they are commonly used as a spicy sauce and also as a sweet sauce, which is popular in Thailand. Peanuts are roasted in India and are generally consumed as a snack, especially in winter because the high protein content helps keep the body warm. They are also mixed with jaggery to create chikki, a safe sweet snack. While mostly used in food preparations, if you are looking to lose weight or control your weight, peanuts are one of the healthiest dietary sources.

1. High protein source

2. Strong source of wholesome fats

3. Rich in minerals, and vitamins

4. Prevents bile

5. Reduces stroke risk

6. Prevention of the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's and age

▪︎    High protein source

Studies show that snacking on small quantities of nuts aids in weight loss, as it provides a large amount of plant-based protein. A 100 gms serving contains 25.8 gms of protein, which is approximately half the daily protein needs of a human. The recommended adult daily allowance (RDA) is 46 gms for women, and 56 gms for men. Peanuts are also a beneficial source of protein, particularly for vegetarians as they typically can not tap into a variety of protein source options. Protein is essential for repairing cells.

Advice : When you don't want to get into the trouble of making an intricate dinner, roast some peanuts and snack on them in the evening.

▪︎    Strong source of wholesome fats

Unlike the popular misconception of peanuts leading to weight gain, which isn't good for the heart, groundnuts are miracle workers. They are abundant in monounsaturated fats, which support a healthy heart. A research focusing on 22 subjects revealed that a diet rich in groundnuts and peanut butter decreased the risk of cardiovascular disease by nearly 21% compared to the average American diet in which a person consumes at least 3600 calories daily.

Advice: Make a sandwich of peanut butter, cut and add a few slices of banana and savor a healthy breakfast.

▪︎    Rich in minerals, and vitamins

Besides the monounsaturated content of fat, groundnuts are a rich source of vitamins and minerals that also help heart health. The key minerals and vitamins present in peanuts are:

Biotin: These are a great source of biotin, a water-soluble vitamin that is a part of the family of vitamin B. The body needs biotin to turn those vitamins and minerals into energy for the daily activities to be carried out. Biotin is also important for keeping your hair, nails and skin healthy. That is also important during pregnancy for women.

Folate: This is also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid, which helps to absorb iron and is helpful to anaemic sufferers.

Copper: Studies show a copper deficiency in the body that has an effect on heart health.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties and is perfect for skin, hair, eyesight and digestion.

Niacin: is also referred to as vitamin B3, and is associated with the reduction of heart disease.

Thiamine: Sometimes called vitamin B1. It helps cells turn carbs into energy, and keeps healthy the skin, muscles, and nervous system.

Manganese: This element is necessary to enable a chemical process which helps with metabolism.

Phosphorus: Phosphorous is essential for body tissue growth and maintenance. It also helps to build healthy bones and teeth.

Magnesium: This factor helps maintain functions of the nerves and muscles and strengthens the immune system.

Advice: In a blender, grind a few peanuts and sprinkle them on top of salads to garnish as well as hold the crunch in the ingredients.

▪︎    Prevents bile

A research conducted by the Nurses ' Health Survey in the US shows data gathered over 20 years from over 80,000 females that those who eat at least one ounce of peanuts or peanut butter each week have a 25 per cent reduced risk of developing kidney stones.

This is pretty simple because groundnuts can be incorporated into a salad, as a snack, or in some sort of gravy to spice up the food. Peanuts may help with this, because most gallstones consist of cholesterol, and groundnuts help reduce the effect.

Advice: Squeeze the peanuts in a mixer to make a paste that can be enjoyed with snacks, gravy or sauce. This way you'll make sure you get your nut supply regularly.

▪︎    Reduces stroke risk

Peanuts also contain resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant related to that found in red grapes and red wine that is good for the heart. Researchers say this is probably the reason why, although the French do not consume a low-fat diet, they are less susceptible to cardiovascular disease than the Americans, Though the larger population of Europe smoke more every day.

Resveratrol (administered intravenously and not as solid food) has been found to improve blood flow to the brain by as much as 30% in animal studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, thereby reducing the risk of stroke.

Advice: Upon eating, you should remove the seed coat or the brown paper-like groundnuts cover if it irritates your throat.

▪︎    Prevention of the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's and age

Study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry suggests that regular consumption of peanuts in moderate amounts reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and age-related cognitive disorders in individuals aged 65 and above. It reports that those who received around 22 mg of niacin daily from groundnuts were 70 per cent less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who received only about 13 mg daily.

What if we overindulge in consuming peanuts?

While there are not too many harmful effects, often groundnuts will lead to a disorder called Aflatoxin poisoning. It occurs when peanuts are often ridden with a mold species called Aspergillus flavus, which produces aflatoxin. It will cause a lack of appetite and jaundice to affect the patient, which will take a toll on the liver. Much depends on how the peanuts are handled in humid and tropical climates, and can be extreme. Just make sure to store groundnuts, away from rain, in a cool and dry spot.

Peanut allergy

It is normal and can manifest itself as an answer when certain elements contained in these nuts can not be dealt with by an individual program. It is a hypersensitive response and even the smallest of these nuts in food preparations can cause this reaction for some people.

Symptoms can range from diarrhea, pain in the stomach, swollen lips, eyelids and throat, leading to breathing problems. It can also be fatal in some severe cases if the congestion in the chest is not dealt with promptly. If you have ever had such symptoms after consuming peanuts, consult with your doctor and avoid all the groundnuts and products that contain them 



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