Have you ever heard of root canal treatment?

Update: 2023-06-14 06:45 IST

Have you ever heard of root canal treatment?

Suggesting that root canal treatment is necessary for decayed, badly broken, sensitivity and sensitive teeth to eliminate the pain of maintaining the function of the teeth and harmony with adjacent teeth

The tooth has three layers First layer is the enamel(white) layer, which is a shiny solid layer; the second one is Dentin which protects and support the pulp, third in is the pulp which provides blood and never supplies to the teeth; any decayed, broken, sensitivity attired teeth involves pulp tissue resulting into sensitivity and pain and leading to inflammation of pulp and formation of pulp around the tooth.

In the root canal, the treatment specialist will clean the infected teeth and filed up with cement from the root spaces. After root canal therapy, size will be taken, and a cap will be given to the damaged teeth to increase the strength of the teeth to maintain the function of teeth.

(Ph: 8639474930)



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