World Turtle Day 2023: DR Supraja’s started foundation, which helps sea turtle species conservation

Update: 2023-05-23 13:07 IST

World Turtle Day

Supraja Dharini, founder of Tree Foundation, is one of the 50 people across the globe, who has been honored by the “The Explorers Club 50” in the past. This club honors 50 explorers who are changing the world. This is no ordinary club; it is an international multidisciplinary professional society dedicated to the advancement of field research and the ideal that is vital to preserver the instinct to explore.


Dr. Supraja has been recognized for the work she has been doing for sea turtle conservation along the East Coast of India. She Established the Tree foundation in the year, 2002. Since the inception, this foundation has been working to protect both nesting sea turtles along the east coast and turtles in or migrating through the offshores seas.

Sea turtle or specifically the Olive Ridley Sea turtle are the 2nd smallest turtles in the world. They have a tendency to return to the same lad, which they were born on to further lay their own eggs.

These little creatures are important part of the marine ecosystem. Dr. Supraja Dharini spotted the 1st sea turtle in her life in the year, 2001 on one of her morning walks on Chennai’s Neelakarai beach. When she the sea turtle, she walked towards it, and discovered that it was dead and the cause of death was not natural as it had a lot of cuts from sharp wires. On enquiring with the fisherman in the locality, she found, it was common to spot dead turtles especially during December and April.

This particular incident left Dr Supraja disturbed for few days and Goodali’s words kept ringing in her head. That’s when she resolved that something must be done to save these turtles. She decided that, she would make a difference. But first, she started knowing more about the turtles and began rading about the. Later, she took 17 youngsters from the Neelankarai fishing hamlet and toured village after village explaining how important it is to protect the health and wealth of the ocean.

Trust for Environment, Education, conservation and community Development) Foundation took shape and slowly began engaging in community-based sea turtle conservation. Supraja has received multiple awards like the Disney worldwide conservation Award, Sea world and the People Trust for the Endangered Species Award in recognition of the efforts she has put in for sea turtle species conservation

That's how the TREE (Trust for Environment, Education, Conservation and Community Development) Foundation took shape in 2002 and slowly started engaging in community-based sea turtle conservation.

Supraja has received multiple awards like the Disney Worldwide Conservation Award, Sea World and the Peoples’ Trust for Endangered Species Award in recognition of the efforts she has put in for sea turtle conservation.



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