MyVoice: Views of our readers 30th May 2022

Update: 2022-05-30 00:06 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 6th June 2022

Legalising prostitution not a right move

Every individual has a right to dignified life under Article 21 of the Constitution and so also do sex workers, according to a ruling of the Supreme Court. The inevitable next question arises, if a social evil like prostitution is legalised, then a day is not far off when other rampant social evils like "robbery, stealing, burglary etc" vie equally to get legalised. The right to practise any profession of one's choice is expected to pass the sanctions of the society and to promote the interests of general welfare towards establishing a peaceful society. It is next to impossible to completely eradicate these evils but at the same time, in no circumstances, should they be conferred upon a privileged stance such as the legal status. Legalising the sex commerce is bound to open flood gates for chaotic and unlicensed sexual activities.


Seshagiri Row Karry, Hyderabad

Kapil Sibal simply an opportunist

Kapil Sibal may be a great legal giant well versed in various laws and served many clients and won the cases with his skill and experience and a wealthy lawyer. As he entered politics and served the Congress party at various levels, he was respected and honoured by the high command till the days of dissent with boss, making a syndicate of leaders who wanted revamping the party in its crisis period but shunned by high command thus he and his syndicate got isolated. But he is not a true politician with sincere service to the party, sacrificing ego and desire for power. He is just an opportunist to enjoy the power as an MP throwing away ideology of Congress party. There are leaders who are still with party inspite of many odds and discrimination but sticking to party like a stiff glue as their blood is for Congress party for decades. Even late PV Narasimha Rao, who was humiliated, insulted and made rounds to courts for false cases, was ever with Congress party inspite of many injuries from party high command.

Jayaprakash Reddy, Nalgonda

Disparaging Indian govt abroad unethical

The writer V Ramu Sarma rightly highlighted the outrageous bevaviour of certain opposition leaders who take pleasure in deriding India whenever they visit abroad to attend a seminar or in any interview with media there. They are in the first place are causing more harm to themselves and their political career than to the image of India in the international arena. The fact remains that overreacting to the state of affairs on foreign shores even when they are also equally responsible for the creation of mess - on account of political system been crammed with corrupt and criminal elements - is certain to make no impact on voters who know the cunning ways that the political parties adopt to entice them. The opposition must understand that by conjuring up conspiracies to weaken the nation is unacceptable in any democratic set-up. All in all, time has come for them to understand Indian political scenario in totality by burying differences and come together to ensure India keeps pace with advanced nations in all aspects.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Gandhism is antithesis to Moditva

In his home state of Gujarat Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he 'did not cause shame' in his eight-year rule, as if it was his only claim to fame. Of course his claim that he did not allow or do anything that would make citizens hang their heads in shame is belied by the hate speeches, lynchings and the plight of migrant workers due to the failure to take care of them and the loss of life of Covid-19 patients due to lack of oxygen during the pandemic. He claimed that he had made 'honest attempts' to build the kind of India Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of. All would agree that India envisioned by Mahatma Gandhi is one at peace with itself and not one divided against itself. His vision of India is at odds with MS Golwalkar's and KB Hedgewar's vision of India. What the Father of the Nation stood and strove for-peaceful co-existence of communities, or, in more precise terms, Hindu-Muslim amity – has come under great strain under Modi's rule.

G David Milton, Maruthancode


One of the key factors behind BJP's victory in many states is: It keeps its promises. BJP has fulfilled 90% of its promises made in election manifesto. Among the decisions that have been considered historic in the 8 years of Modi government the biggest decision is to abolish Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. Modi had in 2013 advocated the slogan of " Minimum Government, Maximum Governance" and his government has delivered on those principles. Jan Dhan Yojana, an enabler for digital payments, Ayushman Bharat, a healthcare cover for over 500 million people, and more recently the vaccination programme and soon the e-RUPI to enable digital vouchers, etc. The Modi government has never taken decisions to please people, it always took them that would be good for people.

Ishita Patidar, Ujjain



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