Hyderabad: Government Hospitals still gasping for oxygen

Update: 2021-09-09 01:02 IST

Government Hospitals still gasping for oxygen

Hyderabad: As the Director of Public Health Dr Srinivasa Rao has announced absence of Covid in the State, the oxygen-related works in the State-run hospitals have been put in the cold storage. The government instructed the State Health authorities to link all beds with oxygen in all government hospitals, but the work has not been completed yet.


The Director of Medical Education (DME) has promised to link all 27,000 beds in government hospitals to be linked with oxygen. But only a few hospitals in the city have their beds connected to oxygen. Apart from a few hospitals, like Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Golconda, King Koti, Gandhi and Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS), no beds in hospitals have full oxygen connections. The work in remaining hospitals in districts is going at a slow pace. Even that in Niloufer Hospital has not been completed; only pipeline work has been done; but line has not connected to oxygen. The attitude of the concerned department shows that the State is not yet ready to tackle the situation in case of a sudden spike of Covid.

As seasonal ailments are spreading throughout the State, people are worried about the possible third wave. Doctors, especially, paediatricians in government and private hospitals, nursing homes, clinics are busy treating child patients.

According to reports, Covid cases in the country are rising. In Kerala alone about 25,000 cases are being registered daily. A 12-year-old child succumbed to the deadly Nipah virus there recently. The Telangana Private Hospitals Victims Association (TPHVA) lashed out at the Health department and said that by denying possible third wave, it is 'misleading' people. Health experts from across the country are warning of the third wave, while officials are not ready to accept warnings and say there will be no impact even if the wave strikes.

Speaking to The Hans India, TPHVA president Dr Jagan stated that the situation in government hospitals in city and districts is worse. There are complaints about unavailability of beds in hospitals for patients. Even the Niloufer Hospital is unable to accommodate patients suffering with seasonal ailments. The situation could turn worse if the third wave appears. The targeted beds are not connected to oxygen yet. The DME is claiming that the government is preparing infrastructure to tackle the possible upcoming wave, but the ground reality is not matching.

"The DME is doing nothing but giving statements. If the department is really preparing for the next wave then it has to share details in public domain that how many beds with oxygen and ventilators have been increased and the equipment provided in hospitals," demanded doctor Jagan.



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