Hyderabad: Republic Day celebrations at Public Gardens

Update: 2021-01-21 02:08 IST

Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar

Hyderabad: Suspense on the conduct of Republic Day celebrations has come to an end as the State Government has decided to organise the celebrations at Public Gardens.

State Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Wednesday visited Public Gardens along with civic and police officials and reviewed the arrangements. The officials were asked to strictly adhere Covid protocol by permitting only a limited number of guests.


Officials discussed security, traffic management and barricading of the venue on the Republic Day. This time, the defence and police parade will not be there. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will hoist the national flag and will deliver his address to the State. This would be followed by a few cultural programmes. Sanitisers and masks would be made available at the venue.

Health protocols like ensuring social distance between the visitors would be followed.

Officials said that only select invitees would be allowed to participate in the celebrations.



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