Kapra Corporator Swarnaraj Sivamani jumps into nala, rescues man

Update: 2020-10-16 02:00 IST

Kapra Corporator Swarnaraj

Secunderabad: Kapra Corporator Swarnaraj risked his life to save a man who was stuck in a flooded Nala on Wednesday night. The video of his act went viral on social media platforms.

Speaking to the Hans India, Swarnaraj Sivamani said, "On humanitarian grounds, I helped the young man Koteshwar Roa who was caught in 50-foot deep nala at Vampuguda in Kapra. Along with the monsoon team, I was going around to help around 10.30 pm. I received a call from a resident that a young man was struck inside the nala. Around 70 people gathered there but they were unable to rescue him. Seeing the man in distress, nothing came to my mind except the thought of saving him at any cost. Without any second thought, I jumped into the nala and rescued him."


Nitizens expressed their gratitude towards him. "While all are busy surveying with photos here is a corporator of Div-1 Swarnaraj Sivamani Garu, Who risked his life and jumped with a rope to save a man who was stranded in the middle of floodwater. He and his team finally rescued him. He needs all appreciation," tweeted Greensainikpuri@greensanikpuri. "A great example of humanity and courage! God Bless!" appreciated Pankaj Sethi@panjaksethi.



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