Passenger-friendly auto, bus drivers felicitated

Update: 2019-07-06 04:21 IST

Tank Bund: City Traffic Police felicitated passenger-friendly auto and bus drivers here at a programme "My auto is safe" at Pingali Venkatram Reddy Function Hall on Friday.

City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar participated in the programme as the chief guest, congratulated the drivers who have been role models to other drivers. Some of the drivers who have been working for the past 30 years and were not involve in a single accident are worth emulation to all drivers, he said.


The Police Commissioner urged the drivers to ensure that there is no complaint from passengers. The city can attract investments and jobs to our children only if the city is safe, he said.

Among others prominent personalities who attended the programme included Additional Commissioner (Traffic) Anil Kumar, DCP Baburao Chauhan, RTC Regional Manager Khurshid Khan, Additional DCPs Karunakar, Bhaskar, ACPs and CIs.



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