Visakhapatnam: APSEC protests New Education Policy

Update: 2020-11-30 00:01 IST

APSEC protests New Education Policy

Visakhapatnam: Opposing the National Education Policy, Andhra Pradesh Save Education Committee (APSEC) staged a protest here on Sunday.

The protest was carried out under the aegis of the All India Forum for Right to Education.

Speaking on the occasion, Andhra University former professor K P Subba Rao pointed out that there was no social justice in the new education policy.


He expressed concern over the reservations, appointments and promotions in the universities which are unclear in the new policy.

APSEC district convener G Madhu said it's not proper to introduce a policy to divert government funds to private managements. APTF, DTF leaders A S Naidu, A Dharmender Reddy, Pujari Satyanarayana and others participated in the protest.



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